B. Karl Marx
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Thomas Hobbes
2. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic assessment?
A. unrealistic performances
B. de-contextualized drills
C. real world application of lessons learned
D. answering high multiple choice test items
3. Which of the following school activities is closely related and has greater impact to curriculum development?
A. principal's performance evaluation of the teachers
B. monthly meeting with the barangay officials
C. review of the textbooks and reference materials
D. school visit of visitors from other places
4. This law made the observance of the flag ceremony compulsory.
A. Republic Act No. 7079
B. Republic Act No. 1265
C. Republic Act No. 9155
D. Republic Act No. 3019
5. What do global learners enjoy most?
A. working on puzzles
B. generalize ideas from specific to general
C. likes to plan ahead
D. formulate generalization from details
6. Which is a type of graph in which lines represent each score or set of scores?
A. Scattergram
B. Histogram
C. Frequency polygon
D. Scatterplot
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of a teacher’s nonverbal communication?
A. eye contact
B. gestures
C. pauses
D. voice
8. Knowledge of procedure in writing a report is an example of a _____ rubric.
A. specific
B. generic
C. standard
D. performance
9. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to _____.
A. coefficient of correlation
B. central tendency
C. discrimination index
D. level of difficulty
10. Teachers should avoid _____ in assigning student performance-based ratings.
A. arbitrarines and bias
B. unnecessary deductions
C. partiality and calculation
D. unnecessary evaluation
11. Teacher R observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, balance, and hand-eye coordination. According to H. Gardner, such natural intelligence can be identified as _____.
A. bodily-kinesthetic
B. intrapersonal
C. interpersonal
D. verbal-linguistic
12. Teacher A is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercise’s in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
B. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner.
C. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk.
D. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.
13. With-it-ness, according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. Which phrase goes with it?
A. Have hands that write fast.
B. Have eyes on the back of your heads.
C. Have a mouth ready to speak.
D. Have minds packed with knowledge.
14. Which of the following appraisal techniques would be most useful with a big number of desired respondents?
A. interview
B. observation
C. questionnaire
D. autobiography
15. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something with his ability.
B. Yes, he can change the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can influence him.
16. Which applies when there are extreme scores?
A. The median will not be very reliable measure of central tendency
B. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency.
C. There is no reliable measure of central tendency.
D. The mean will not be very reliable measure of central tendency.
17. Which are the job-embedded requirements for teachers and so must continuously develop themselves in these aspects?
I. Maintains updated pupil/student school records.
II. Conducts action research.
III Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders.
IV Channels and guide learners
18. "Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed." This is based on the theory of _____.
A. constructivism
B. categorization
C. predisposition
D. connectionism
19. You were assigned to handle a multi-grade class. What instructional materials must be utilized to provide for the needs of each level?
A. differentiated materials to cater to different levels
B. multi-sensory materials
C. colorful, useful, and durable materials
D. materials of high level thinking skills
20. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the least effective distracter?
A. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
B. the correct answer that was chosen by 6 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
D. the option that was chosen by 12 examinees
21. Which terms to the act of educating a child with special education needs partially in a special education classroom and partially in regular classroom?
A. Mainstreaming
B. Inclusion
C. Individualization
D. Head Start
22. Based on the contributions of the five senses to learning, which instructional material will be most effective?
A. multi-sensory aid
B. audio aid
C. visual aid
D. audio-visual aid
23. Keeping track of assessment results from one periodic rating to the next is useful in contributing to the development of a _____.
A. regional plan
B. annual implementation plan
C. school improvement plan
D. division plan
24. Which holds true of competency-based instruction?
I. Criterion-referenced
II. Norm-referenced
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. partly I, partly II
25. Student A is one-half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic and one standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
A. She excels both in spelling and arithmetic.
B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling.
C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic.
D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic.
26. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the most effective distracter?
A. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
D. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
27. Why are there more illustrations in elementary books than in upper levels?
A. Elementary pupils are slow in the reading process.
B. High school students are more mature and imaginative.
C. Elementary pupils are less imaginative yet, they need more exposure.
D. There is no need to motivate the elementary pupils all the time.
28. It is equivalent to the average score of the group or class?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Standard Deviation
29. Which of the following statements about computer viruses is TRUE?
A. Text files are the only files to be corrupted by viruses.
B. Files are always permanently damaged by viruses.
C. Files can be damaged by computer viruses.
D. Compressed files can never be damaged by viruses.
30. Here is an instructional objective: "To distinguish between proper and improper fraction." Which is a valid test item for such objective?
A. Define proper and improper fractions.
B. Put a check (/) on the proper fractions and an X over the improper: 1/2, 4/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/7, 2/10, 6/12.
C. Is an improper fraction really a fraction? Explain your answer.
D. Can you add proper and improper fractions together? Explain.
31. Which are the basic components of a curriculum design?
A. standards, learning competencies, and evaluation
B. assessment, teaching strategies, and textbooks
C. philosophy, goals, and objectives
D. content, structure, and delivery
32. The strongest disadvantage of the alternate response type of test is _____.
A. the demand for critical thinking
B. the absence of analysis
C. the encouragement of rote memory
D. the high possibility of guessing
33. Teachers should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because _____.
A. this is in keeping with indigenization of the curriculum
B. folk knowledge is crucial in facing the basics of daily living
C. folk knowledge is included in the National Achievement Test
D. teaching folk knowledge is a mandate of DepEd
34. Which is a planning tool that helps the reader analyze the story so that the questions during discussion will create a coherent framework for understanding text?
A. story map
B. graphic organizer
C. semantic web
D. tree outline
35. If a triadic interaction includes three persons, how many persons are included in a dyadic interaction?
A. four persons
B. two persons
C. two groups composed of two persons each
D. one, the person, and himself
36. Is it wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system?
A. Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are derived.
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students.
C. No, this will court a lot of complaints later.
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential.
37. By what name is Indirect instruction the Socratic method also known?
A. Mastery learning
B. Indirect Method
C. Morrison method
D. Questioning method
38. Erikson said that children aged 3-5 is most likely:
A. Mischievous
B. Egocentric
C. Lazy
D. Altruistic
39. Which of these are crucial skills for effective teaching?
I. Creation of new instructional materials
II. Classroom management
III. Higher-order thinking skills
IV. Art of questioning
A. I, II, III, and IV
B. II and IV
C. I and III
D. I and IV
40. Which of the following is not true of graft and corruption?
A. It lessens allegiance and loyalty
B. It impairs national economic planning
C. It causes wasteful depletion of resources
D. The culprit are easily identified, apprehended and prosecuted
41. Which violates this brain-based principle of teaching-learning: "Each child's brain is unique and vastly different from one another."
A. giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore even if the class creates "noise"
B. making a left-handed pupil write with his right hand as it is better this way
C. allowing open dialogue among students
D. employing MI teaching approaches
42. Most classes are taught as a whole group. This structure of classroom grouping usually caters to _____.
A. average learners
B. both fast and average learners
C. fast learners
D. slow learners only
43. Research on the brain reveals that the numbers of dendrite connections in the first five years of growth are in tens of billions. What does this underscore?
I. The significance of a stimulating early childhood education
II. The necessity of forcing the child to learn at an early age or else may never get interested at all
III. The need to punish preschool children when they can't follow a lesson for them to remember the lesson
IV. The significance of right parenting
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. I and IV
D. II and III
44. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory explains this?
A. operant conditioning
B. social learning theory
C. associative learning
D. Pavlovian conditioning
45. Which pair of components of a lesson plan does not parallel curriculum components?
A. behavioral objectives and evaluation
B. subject matter and content
C. teaching methods and instruction
D. assessment and evaluation
46. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky's theory in mind, what did Teacher H do?
A. guided participation
B. peer interaction
C. apprenticeship
D. scaffolding
47. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by the students?
A. assessed curriculum
B. learned curriculum
C. hidden curriculum
D. taught curriculum
48. Identify the ninth intelligence which is described as the ability to seek connections involving one's place in the family, school, community, and "role in the world." They ask "why are we here?" This intelligence is termed _____.
A. naturalist
B. interpersonal
C. intrapersonal
D. existentialist
49. Which of the following are alternative assessments?
A. portfolio, exhibilts, journals
B. paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports
C. student self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys
D. multiple choice, structured observations, sentence completion
50. Whose influence is the education program that puts emphasis on self-development through the classics, music, and rituals?
A. Buddha
B. Mohammed
C. Confucius
D. Lao Tsu
51. Teacher M has photography as a sideline. He offers his photography services with discount during school functions like intramurals. Is this ethical?
A. No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a phographer.
B. No, he should not deprive other photographers of their job.
C. Yes, his services are much cheaper that those of others and is, therefore of great help.
D. Yes, his photography service is so personalize that he is able to establish rapport with parents.
52. If a reader is vocalizing his thoughts to be able to understand the text, what metacognitive strategy is he using?
A. reciprocal teaching
B. think-aloud strategy
C. request procedure
D. directed reading-thinking activity
53. Teacher H gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of some words. Which method did she use?
A. The whole language approach
B. The Spaulding method
C. The rebus method
D. The language experience approach
54. When enrollment is small in the rural elementary schools, two or three grade levels are combined in a ______ class taught by one teacher.
A. special
B. multicultural
C. multigrade
D. indigenous
55. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is badly skewed?
A. Mean and mode
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Mean
56. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is NOT said of teachers?
A. LET passers
B. Duly licensed professionals
C. Possess dignity and reputation
D. With high-moral values as well as technical and professional competence
57. Audio-visual materials are given much importance in instruction as support for teaching. In the use of these devices and instructional materials, the teacher should remember first that _____.
A. illustrative materials are expensive
B. devices should be colored and entertaining
C. audio-visual devices are ends in themselves
D. no single one device is effective in all types of learning
58. In 1990, a Congressional Commission to Review and Assess Philippine Edication, otherwise known as the EDCOM was created by a joint resolution of Congress. What are the two principal reasons given by EDCOM for the declining quality of Philippine education?
A. (1) The country is not investing enough in the education system, and (2) The education establishment is poorly managed
B. (1) Good teachers leave the country, and (2) The curriculum is crowded.
C. (1) The number of OSY is increasing, and (2) The teacher's salaries and benefits are not enough
D. (1) Funds are spent not for the purpose they are intended, and (2) Strict bureaucratic procedures are imposed
59. The best way to assess learning is to use real-life situations, objects, and materials existing in the environment. Hence, teachers are encouraged to use _____.
A. rating scale
B. paper-and-pencil test
C. observation technique
D. authentic assessment
60. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience, a number of areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the teaching-learning process?
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers
II. Do multicultural units of study
III. Stick to the "left brain and right brain" approach
A. II only
B. I only
C. I and III
D. I and II
61. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) To which factor can you attribute his perceived inability to perform the task? To a factor _____.
I. within him
II. outside his control
III. which is stable
IV. within his control
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I only
D. IV only
62. J. Bruner's idea that interest in the material being learned is the best stimulus for learning. This is in support of our efforts to develop in our students' _____ motivation.
A. intrinsic
B. endless
C. extrinsic
D. superficial
63. What are the qualities of empowered teachers?
I. Learn and grow on the job.
II. Work individually to solve problems.
III. Believe that the learner is at the center of the school culture.
IV. Believe that improved instruction is everyone's responsibility.
A. I, II, and III
B. I and II
C. III and IV
D. I, III, and IV
64. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?
A. a large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high marks
B. a large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades
C. a large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades
D. all of the students have average grades
65. Under the present Constitution, pupils’ attendance in religious instruction in public elementary and high schools shall be allowed only if _____.
A. the superintendent, supervisors and principals will issue an instruction compelling attendance
B. the parish priest or pastor shall authorize them in writing
C. when parents shall submit written authority allowing their children to attend religious instruction
D. when school children have become delinquents
66. Which of the following propositions is attributed to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as latent ideas are brought to consciousness.
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.
67. Which of the following is an example of linguistic over extension that a 2-year old might make?
A. saying “bye bye” to indicate that he or she wants to go out
B. pointing to a cat and saying “doggie”
C. repeating certain syllables, such as “ma m a ma”
D. reversing word order, such as “want it, paper”
68. To create an environment within the school that is conducive to teaching and learning the school may _____.
A. authorize stakeholders to manage the school
B. provide tangible resources to staff to assist in school improvement process
C. develop decision-making teams
D. communicate and facilitate participation in school-based management
*8-10 pts - Demonstrates imaginative thinking and unique qualities
*5-7 pts - Demonstrates moderate imaginative skills
*1-4 - Lacks imaginative thinking.
What is being assessed by the above criteria?
A. appeal
B. creativity
C. aesthetic ability
D. workmaship
70. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under __________.
A. intelligence test
B. aptitude test
C. criterion-referenced test
D. norm-referenced test
71. "Environment and ICT: Enemies or Friends?" is a title of an article published in a journal. What does this title suggest?
A. ICT can play both positive and negative roles in environmental sustainability.
B. The positive impact of ICT on the environment is high.
C. The positive environmental impact of ICT outweighs its potentially negative impact.
D. Either we go for ICT and ruin our environment or sustain our environment and do away with ICT.
72. Which is the most essential characteristic of a Total Quality School model?
A. cliente-focused
B. empowerment
C. involvement of stakeholders
D. continuous improvement
73. What objectives do effective leaders foster?
I. Attainable
IV. Specific
V. Time-bound
A. II, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, IV, and V
C. I, IV, and V
D. I, II, III, and IV
74. The brain’s left hemisphere is involved in _____ function.
A. intuitive
B. nonverbal
C. visual
D. logical
75. You use the gumamela, a complete flower, to teach the parts of a flower. Which method did you use?
A. laboratory method
B. drill method
C. demonstration method
D. type-study method
76. Teacher B wants to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in the use of laboratory equipment. Which assessment procedure will be most appropriate and authentic?
A. observation of students' use of laboratory equipment while they conduct experiments
B. paper-and-pencil test that requires students to enumerate the do's and don'ts in the use of laboratory equipment
C. practicum test on the use of laboratory equipment
D. requiring students to draw and label the laboratory equipment
77. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work
A. id alone
B. superego alone
C. ego alone
D. Id and ego interaction
78. Teacher A wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball. Which method is most appropriate?
A. direct instruction
B. problem solving
C. discovery
D. inductive reasoning
79. You like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the entire solar system. What is the best instructional aid?
A. picture
B. model
C. realia
D. film
80. Your percentile rank in class is 60%. What does this mean?
A. You got 40% of the test items wrongly.
B. You scored less than 60% of the class.
C. You got 60% of the test items correctly.
D. You scored better than 60% of the class.
81. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native ability.
C. Every child is a potential genius.
D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.
82. Read this True-or-False test item: Andres Bonifacio founded the Katipunan. Which principle in test construction is violated?
A. Test something significant.
B. Make use of simple words.
C. There should be sufficient reason to make the statement false.
D. Avoid qualitative terms.
83. Considering that the teacher is a role model to the learners, that "a glance, a word, or a smile can be an instrument of growth or a weapon of destruction," which may keep track of student's affective learning?
A. formative test
B. summative test
C. report card
D. anecdotal record
84. Teacher V teaches the pupils to find the main idea, sequence events, find the details, and read creatively and critically. What skills does Teacher V teach?
A. Utilizing skills
B. Study skills
C. Comprehension skills
D. Word recognition skills
85. Promoting purposive study among learners is accomplished in two of these indicators.
I. Knows different teaching approaches
II. Recognizes the need for specific learning processes
III. Cultivates good study habits
IV. Takes extra time to help students in learning tasks
A. II and III
B. I and IV
C. I and II
D. III and IV
86. The philosophical doctrine that emphasizes the role of experience rather than the role of reason as the source of knowledge.
A. Pragmatism
B. Empiricism/Pragmatism
C. Progressivism
D. Functionalism
87. What type of validity is needed if a test must course objective and scopes?
A. Content
B. Concurrent
C. Criterion
D. Construct
88. You would like to assess students' ability to write a portfolio. What type of test will determine their ability to organize ideas and think critically?
A. long test
B. essay test
C. formative test
D. summative test
89. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil’s Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools, based?
A. Rousseau
B. Pestalozzi
C. Montessori
D. John Locke
90. Which of the following characteristics of the classroom teacher is most instrumental in her being a key member of the school guidance team?
A. experience
B. personal qualities
C. educational background
D. close contact with learners
91. Which philosophy emphasizes the authority of the teachers and the value of a subject matter curriculum?
A. essentialism
B. idealism
C. perennialism
D. realism
92. What does Gagne's hierarchical theory propose for effective instruction?
A. Sequence instruction.
B. Reward good behavior.
C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom.
D. Teach beginning with the concrete.
93. During the American regime, they named the American soldiers, who were recruited to help set the public educational system, as Thomasites because _____.
A. they arrived here during the feast of St. Thomas
B. they first taught at UST
C. they were devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas
D. they disembarked from the CIS Transport called Thomas
94. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of __________.
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung
95. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning in the affective domain is through _____.
A. reading of journal entries
B. performance assessment
C. product assessment
D. self-assessment
96. Which one appropriately describes your lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
A. promotes "find out for yourself" approach
B. lecture-dominated
C. rote learning dominated
D. highly directed teaching
97. Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more "_____" in school.
A. learning to be
B. learning to do
C. learning to know
D. learning to live together
98. Choose an appropriate curriculum especially that the child's mind does not contain any innate ideas was an advice from _____.
A. Plato
B. John Locke
C. Rousseau
D. B. F. Skinner
99. The results of the LET revealed the low performance of future teachers. In April 2010, only 15% of the BEEd and 25% of BSEd graduates passed. What do the results imply?
A. more training given to BEEd students
B. review existing teacher education curriculum vis-a-vis TOS
C. determine the specialization of BSE graduates
D. implement selective admission in TEIS
100. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to an e-waste recycling system?
I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only
101. The fourth year high school student is in the developmental stage of _____.
A. late childhood
B. pre-adolescence
C. adolescence
D. early childhood
102. The Constitutional provision on language has the following aims EXCEPT for?
A. to make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in regional schools
B. to maintain English as a second language
C. to make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
D. to make Filipino the national language and medium of instruction and official communication
103. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing?
A. hierarchy diagram
B. Venn diagram
C. flow chart
D. double cell diagram
104. Which should you use to obtain information concerning a particular student's interests?
I. Case study
II. Interview techniques
III. Cumulative record of student
A. III only
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II, and III
105. Two students are given the WISE II. One has a full scale IQ of 91, while the other has an IQ of 109. Which conclusion can be drawn?
A. The second student has significantly higher intellectual ability
B. The first student is probably below average, while the second has above average potential
C. Both students are functioning in the average range of intellectual ability
D. Another IQ test should be given to truly assess their intellectual potential
106. With the mode of answering as point of reference, which of the following types of test does not belong to the group?
A. problem-solving
B. completion
C. matching type
D. essay
107. According to Wiggins and McTighe, one facet of understanding, an evidence of learning, is empathy. Which test questions assesses capacity to empathize?
A. State the Pythagorean Theorem.
B. Test on Romeo and Juliet. Imagine you are Juliet. Write your thoughts and feelings why you have to take this desperate action.
C. Diagnose and fix the broken lamp.
D. Translate all the words in Spanish and give the meaning of the sentence.
108. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?
A. independent thinking
B. social interaction
C. individual mental work
D. scientific thinking
109. The scope of the board examination for teachers in the secondary level shall consist of _____.
A. professional education and field of specialization
B. general education and field of specialization
C. general education and professional education
D. general education, professional education, and field of specialization
110. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as _____.
A. connectionism
B. stimulus-response associations
C. classical conditioning
D. operant conditioning
111. Which of the following best describes the individual inventory service of the guidance program?
A. The administration of psychological test to the clients
B. The means of assessing the guidance needs of the target clients
C. The process of gathering, organizing, and utilizing pertinent data about the clients
D. None of these.
112. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which is the range?
A. 93
B. 85
C. 97
D. between 51 and 34
113. The class of Grade 6-E is scheduled to perform an experiment on that day. However, the chemicals are insufficient. What method may then be used?
A. Project
B. Laboratory
C. Lecture
D. Demonstration
114. The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom. How can she act as one?
A. Sing before the class starts to keep them awake.
B. Use TV and radio for everyday lessons.
C. Have a pleasing physical appearance and modulated voice.
D. Wear multicolored dress to catch the students' attention.
115. Teacher D claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response." Which theory supports Teacher D?
A. operant conditioning theory
B. social cognitive theory
C. cognitive theory
D. humanist theory
116. Which of the following is best implied by quality and relevant teacher development initiatives?
A. lifelong learning
B. focus on the non-performers
C. capacity building of educational community
D. mentoring of experts who share the latest ideas about teaching and learning
117. Teacher T is designing a Values Formation Program for a group of high school students. Which type of test should she use to assess the needs of the target participants?
A. Interest Test
B. Aptitude Test
C. Intelligence Test
D. Personality Test
118. Which instructional material is most fit in contextualized learning?
A. television
B. slides
C. field trip
D. pictures
119. Teacher L's objective is to focus students' attention on and quickly create interest in a problem or concept. She should make use of _____.
A. tutorial group
B. Philips 66
C. task group
D. panel discussion
120. Which instructional aids pupils to perform?
A. Mockup
B. Film
C. Pantomime
D. Comic books
121. Giving rewards is one way to motivate students to behave properly at all times. What is the best positive reinforcement which can be employed?
A. acknowledging the potential of each student
B. giving medals for every good work done
C. praising them for good work
D. distributing tokens/materials for every best work
122. Which features of learning environment support meaningful learning and assessment?
I. Attention to development
II. Authentic performance
III. Active in-depth learning
IV. Homogeneous grouping
V. Appreciation of diversity
A. I, III, IV, V
B. I, II, III, V
C. I, II, IV
123. Overusing the chalkboard as though it is the only education technology available violates which principle in the use of technology?
A. variety
B. flexibility
C. uniformity
D. isolated use
124. It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words because _____.
A. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
B. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
C. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
D. they ought to connect the terms that they learn
125. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the lesson?
A. Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays.
B. Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are.
C. Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's resolution.
D. Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet.
126. "Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less. Then, it is better to be a generalist," claims Teacher L. On which philosophy does Teacher L lean to?
A. perennialism
B. progressivism
C. essentialism
D. existentialism
127. Which of the following is not a characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era?
A. structural
B. informal
C. religion-oriented
D. vocational training-oriented
128. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when _____.
A. most of the material sampled is factorial information
B. a wide sampling of material is desired
C. originality is a factor in the response
D. little time is available for construction and scoring
129. Which of these statements best describe the team approach in differentiating instruction for students?
I. Teachers, other professionals and parents share information and skills to make student's education as effective and consistent as possible.
II. Peer support is given to develop skills in providing quality instruction in the basic learning areas.
III. Child to child support is demonstrated in peer teaching and buddy system.
A. I and III
B. I, II, and III
C. I only
D. II only
130. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibits learning. What is an implication of this in the teaching-learning process?
A. Teachers should be non-threatening in their ways.
B. Avoid quizzes and tests.
C. Never raise your voice.
D. Do not give assignments.
131. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the child may fear not only that black dog but also other large dogs. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. discrimination
B. extinction
C. acquisition
D. generalization
132. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in the following test item? Identification. EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE ____________
A. The length of the blank suggests the answer.
B. The central problem is not packed in the stem.
C. It is open to more than one correct answer.
D. The blank is at the end of the question.
133. Research says: "People tend to attribute their successes to internal causes and their failures to external causes." Based on this finding, what should be taught to your students for them to genuinely motivated to succeed?
A. Make them realize that both success and failure are more of a function of internal causes.
B. Tell them that the research finding when applied will make them genuinely motivated.
C. Convince them that genuine motivation is the only factor that matters for a person to succeed.
D. Make them realize that failure is a part of life.
134. The incorporation of the content materials in language lessons is called _____.
A. problem-solving instruction
B. content-based instruction
C. integration approach
D. thematic approach
135. With which does an instructional plan begin?
A. topic
B. objectives
C. subject matter
D. materials
136. Which of the following is the major contribution of educational technology to the learning process in curriculum development?
A. Updated the use of audio-visual materials in the classroom.
B. introduced computer assisted education in the technology courses.
C. Minimized student's efforts in the accomplishment of educational goals.
D. Matched the learner and the most appropriate technology for instruction.
137. Which part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the things learned?
A. Motivation
B. Application
C. Evaluation
D. Generalization
138. To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are variety and choice. What does this mean?
I. Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies.
II. Consider learning styles and so allow students some options on how to go about assignments.
III. Allow for more flexibility in activities.
IV. Do away with routines, rules, and procedures.
A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
139. With the four pillars of education from UNESCO Commission on Education in mind, which of the following correspond to the affective domain?
I. Learning to live together
II. Learning to be
III. Learning to do
IV. Learning to know
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II, III, and IV
140. What percent of the cases in a set of measure lie before the third quartile or Q3?
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 0.75
D. 0.65
141. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and actions as indirect instruction is for _____.
A. concepts, patterns, abstractions
B. rules, concepts, processes
C. process, data, conclusions
D. hypothesis, verified data, conclusions
142. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal Operation stage
II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Pre-operational stage
IV. Concrete operational stage
C. II, i, III, IV
143. When checking projects made by your pupils, what must be done to ensure objectivity in giving grades?
A. Prepare rubrics in giving grades.
B. Request somebody to grade the projects of your classes.
C. Rate the projects by batch checking.
D. Rate the projects in descriptive and not in quantitative manner.
144. For metacognitive functions, which will work best?
A. reflecting
B. conferencing
C. role-playing
D. inductive reasoning
145. In the preschool class, which materials will greatly help in developing manual dexterity?
A. big books
B. colorful illustrations/drawings
C. building blocks/models
D. flashcards and pictures
146. Interpersonal intelligence is best shown by a student who ____.
A. works on their own
B. keeps interest by themselves
C. seeks out a classmate for help when problem occurs
D. spends time meditating
147. Teacher L wants to show to the class a magnified picture of the Mayon Volcano mounted on a bond paper. Which one will she use to do so?
A. opaque projector
B. filmstrip
C. slide
D. overhead projector
148. As of the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers is with the _____.
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Department of Education
D. Civil Service Commission
149. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower group got the test item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item __________.
A. has a negative discriminating power
B. has a lower validity
C. has a positive discriminating power
D. has a high reliability
150. What can be said of Student J who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar test?
A. He perform better than 75% of his classmates.
B. He answered 75 items correctly.
C. He got a raw score of 75.
D. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.
Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. D
27. C
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. A
34. B
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. D
39. A
40. D
41. B
42. A
43. C
44. A
45. A
46. D
47. B
48. D
49. A
50. A
51. A
52. B
53. B
54. C
55. D
56. A
57. D
58. A
59. D
60. D
61. A
62. A
63. D
64. B
65. C
66. C
67. C
68. D
69. B
70. C
71. A
72. D
73. B
74. C
75. D
76. A
77. B
78. A
79. B
80. D
81. C
82. C
83. D
84. C
85. A
86. B
87. A
88. B
89. A
90. D
91. A
92. A
93. D
94. A
95. A
96. A
97. A
98. B
99. B
100. A
101. C
102. C
103. C
104. D
105. A
106. C
107. B
108. B
109. D
110. D
111. C
112. C
113. D
114. C
115. A
116. A
117. D
118. C
119. C
120. C
121. A
122. B
123. A
124. B
125. A
126. A
127. B
128. C
129. C
130. A
131. D
132. C
133. C
134. C
135. B
136. D
137. C
138. B
139. C
140. D
141. A
142. A
143. A
144. A
145. C
146. C
147. A
148. B
149. B
150. C
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