A. Have a learning resource center of materials prepared by teachers.
B. Request the school to purchase materials.
C. Require students to bring materials for their teacher.
D. Let a company/agency sponsor the building of a resource center.
2. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
A. Socratic method
B. Cooperative learning
C. Mastery learning
D. Indirect instruction
3. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which is a characteristic of the score distribution?
A. no discernible pattern
B. tri-modal
C. bi-modal
D. skewed to the right
4. Which one is an alternative learning system where an itinerant teacher, with the use of modules, teaches a small group of pupils for a week then moves to another community next week?
A. tent school
B. mobile teacher
C. para-teacher
D. multi-grade
5. When a school decides to work on a thematic curriculum, which should be out of the picture?
A. integration
B. competition
C. team teaching
D. peer collaboration
6. The discrimination index of a test item is +0.48. What does this mean?
A. An equal number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly.
B. More from the upper group got the item wrongly.
C. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
D. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
7. Which program is DepEd's vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government sectors to support programs based on DepEd's assistance packages?
A. Adopt-A-School Program
B. Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)
C. Brigada School Program
D. Every-Child-A-Reader Program
8. Which of the following assessment tools would you recommend if one should adhere to constructivist theory of learning?
I. Constructed response test
II. Performance test
III. Checklist of a motor screening test
IV. Observation test
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and IV
9. Teacher C teaches elementary in a rural community not reached by the electricity yet, but she has some tapes which can be useful to teach the topics on weather. What practical audio-visual material should she use instead?
A. pictures
B. PowerPoint presentation
C. films
D. transparencies
10. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?
A. Existentialism
B. Christian philosophy
C. Idealism
D. Hedonism
11. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
A. Use of multimedia approaches
B. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process
C. Cognitive insight
D. Concept of readiness in learning
12. Which tool should a teacher use if she wants to locate areas which are adversely affecting the performance of a significant number of students?
A. problem checklist
B. self-report technique
C. autobiography
D. cumulative record
13. Which must be present for self-evaluation to succeed?
A. consensus between teacher and student regarding evaluation results
B. teacher's approval of self-evaluation results
C. teacher's monitoring of self-evaluation process
D. student's intrinsic motivation to learn
14. At the end of periodical examination, Teacher R administered a summative test in Filipino. After scoring the test papers she assigned grades to each test score such as 95, 90, 85, 80 etc. What process did Teacher R use?
A. Ranking
B. Computation
C. Measurement
D. Evaluation
15. Which of the following provisions guarantees accessible education for all?
A. Establish and maintain a system of free public education in the elementary and high school levels.
B. Encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs.
C. Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other incentives.
D. Establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate, and integrated systemn of education relevant to the needs of the people and society.
16. Which is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which evaluation will be focused?
A. journal
B. portfolio
C. rubrics
D. stem
17. According to Erickson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?
A. high school years
B. elementary school years
C. preschool years
D. college years
18. Which are the basic components of a curriculum design?
A. standards, learning competencies, and evaluation
B. assessment, teaching strategies, and textbooks
C. philosophy, goals, and objectives
D. content, structure, and delivery
19. Ruben is very attached to his mother and Ruth to her father. In what developmental stage are they according to Freudian psychological theory?
A. Oedipal stage
B. Latent stage
C. Anal stage
D. Pre-genital stage
20. Instructional objectives in the affective domain includes receiving, responding, and valuing. The highest level is _____.
A. acceptance or preference
B. selective attention or willingness to receive
C. sequence or feelings of satisfaction
D. conceptualization of a value system
21. You have computed the mean and you want to get more information about the distribution of scores. Which measure of variability is most appropriate?
A. standard deviation
B. mode
C. semi-interquartile range
D. range
22. Which of the following qualifications may best ensure the professional competence of the school counseling personnel?
A. Work experience
B. Educational Training
C. Length of service
D. Honors and awards
23. Which activity works best with self-expressive people?
A. metaphors
B. kinesthetic activities
C. inquiry
D. independent study
24. Teacher T is designing a Values Formation Program for a group of high school students. Which type of test should she use to assess the needs of the target participants?
A. Interest Test
B. Aptitude Test
C. Intelligence Test
D. Personality Test
25. Recent researchers reveal limitations of behaviorists views but they continue to influence education. Which of these demonstrates the influence of behaviorist theories over effective learning?
A. blended learning
B. problem solving
C. journal writing
D. programmed instruction
26. A P.E. Teacher wrote this objective in her lesson plan, "To execute the four fundamental dance steps." When observed by the school principal, she was showing her class how to execute the basic dance steps correctly. Why did the teacher use a demonstration method to implement her objective?
A. It is a chance to show the teacher's expertise.
B. It is easier to imitate a teacher who shows the steps.
C. No student knows how to execute the steps.
D. Class time is limited to ask student to execute.
27. Which of the following is a precise meaning of evaluation?
A. collecting data relevant to personal characteristics
B. administrating teacher-made tests
C. interpreting and attaching value to data collected
D. scoring accomplished tests
28. Which is not true about the guidance process?
A. The guidance process means the guidance counselor decides what is best for the student who is in the dark.
B. The guidance process is a continuous process.
C. Guidance is meant for every student including the performing students.
D. Guidance is assisting students to become self-directed individuals.
29. The facility index of a test item is .50. This means that the test item is _____.
A. valid
B. moderate in difficulty
C. very easy
D. reliable
30. Teacher E wants to develop the listening ability of her pupils. Which should he do less?
A. conducting oral tests
B. asking pupils to paraphrase previous pupils' responses
C. repeating questions and students' responses
D. using lecture method
31. Teacher D claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response." Which theory supports Teacher D?
A. operant conditioning theory
B. social cognitive theory
C. cognitive theory
D. humanist theory
32. With equitable access to basic education in mind, which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. establishment of state colleges
B. increase of scholarship and loan grants
C. mobile teachers
D. non-formal education programs
33. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide ____.
A. activities for hypothesis formulation
B. learning activities that involve problems of classification and order
C. activities for evaluation purposes
D. stimulating environment with ample objects to play with
34. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach?
A. Begin with the concrete.
B. Begin with the abstract.
C. Be interactive in approach.
D. Do direct instruction.
35. A Grade I pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piaget’s theory states that this pupil is under what developmental stage?
A. Concrete operation
B. Formal operation
C. Sensorimotor
D. Preoperation
36. Which is the basic principle underpinning the performance-based grading system?
A. It is a tool for improving teaching and learning.
B. It is a tool to determine prerequisite knowledge.
C. It is diagnostic, formative, and summative.
D. It is evaluative and judgmental.
37. Which program of the Department of Education is an offshoot of the Filipino bayanihan spirit?
A. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
B. Brigada Eskwela
C. Child-Friendly School System
D. the Basic Education Curriculum
38. Teacher C asked the class: "Is the answer correct?" Student A said: "No". Teacher C asked the same student: "Why 'no'"? Which did Teacher C do?
A. directing
B. probing
C. repeating
D. rephrasing
39. To teach your students how to follow steps in a recipe effectively, which method should you use? A. discovery
B. demonstration
C. unit
D. questioning
40. According to the Republic Act 7836, the licensure exam for teachers is with _____.
D. Civil Service Commission
41. A theory which describes how the intellect develops and comes to know and understand the world.
A. Psychological Theory
B. Theory of Moral Development
C. Psychoanalysis Theory
D. Cognitive Theory
42. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. This means that the test is _____.
A. a quality item
B. very difficult
C. very easy
D. missed by everybody
43. The following activities may be employed by the naturalist learners except _____.
A. visiting an orchidarium
B. exploring an aviary
C. going to the zoo
D. writing poems
44. It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words because _____.
A. defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
B. students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
C. this is one opportunity to brush up with their English
D. they ought to connect the terms that they learn
45. Essay questions are used in an achievement test when _____.
A. most of the material sampled is factorial information
B. a wide sampling of material is desired
C. originality is a factor in the response
D. little time is available for construction and scoring
46. When a student clarifies information from conclusion, what cognitive domain is involved?
A. analysis
B. evaluation
C. application
D. synthesis
47. A teacher shall behave with honor and dignity at all times. What activities should they refrain from indulging?
I. Gambling
II. Smoking
III. Illicit relations
IV. Lotto betting
A. I only
B. I, II, and III
C. II, III, and IV
D. III only
48. _____ is/are used as medium/media of instruction in schools during the Spanish era.
A. The vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanish and the vernacular
49. DECS Department Order No. 25, s. 1974 requires the use of Filipino as medium of instruction in _____.
A. social studies
B. character education
C. work education, physical and health education
D. all of the above
50. When you teach skills that are critical to the learning of the next topics, which should you employ?
A. direct instruction and mastery learning
B. exposition and class discussions
C. mastery learning and discovery learning
D. Socratic method and peer tutoring
51. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely, affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to leading community activities.
C. NO, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of communities.
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
52. A negative discrimination index means _____.
A. more from the lower group got the item correctly
B. more from the upper group got the item correctly
C. the test item could not discriminate between the upper and the lower group
D. the test item has low reliability
53. What is an alternative assessment tool for teaching and learning consisting of a collection of work/artifacts finished or in-progress accomplished by the targeted clientele?
A. rubric
B. achievement test
C. evaluation instrument
D. portfolio
54. Teacher A aims to develop critical and creative thinking among her students. She should try using _____.
A. declarative statements
B. convergent questions
C. divergent questions
D. expository statements
55. Ian’s raw of score in the Filipino class is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this imply?
A. 70% of Ian’s classmates got a score lower than 23.
B. Ian’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates.
C. 70% of Ian’s classmate got a score of above 23.
D. Ian’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates.
56. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination
57. Teachers should avoid _____ in assigning student performance-based ratings.
A. arbitrariness and bias
B. unnecessary deductions
C. partiality and calculation
D. unnecessary evaluation
58. Erikson was influenced by S. Freud and came up with a theory which serves as a basis for analyzing personality and development to help facilitate the teacher's understanding of various environmental factors that affect own behavior and those of their students, as well. This theory came to be known as ______.
A. emotional development
B. moral
C. personality development
D. psycho-social
59. Which of the following is true about ICT?
I. The use of ICT has negative effects
II. The use of ICT has a lot of benefits.
III. The use of ICT is effective only in industrialized countries.
A. I and II
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III
60. Rapid technological development facilities transmission of knowledge for educational purposes, whether formal or informal through media technology. This development is called _____.
A. Sine Skwela Technology
B. Mass Media Technology
C. Distance Educational Technology
D. Computer Assisted Technology
61. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) To which problem does the case of the student allude?
I. Unmotivated students
II. Uncaring teachers
III. Extremely difficult learning tasks
IV. incompetent teachers
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III
62. How are schools influenced when parents' measure of excellent school is children's ability to read as early as pre-kindergarten?
A. focus on academics
B. integration of values in the curriculum
C. application of socio-emotional learning
D. exclusive use of reading books published by the school
63. Gardner (1999) states: "There are many great teachers - but the lack of coordination among classes and the absence of accountability to those 'outisde the door' is lamentable." Who is referred to as 'outside the door'?
A. classroom observers
B. school officials
C. department heads
D. grade coordinators
64. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
A. Watson
B. Chomsky
C. Gardner
D. Piaget
65. With the power given to every school head, it includes that the school head is _____.
A. not accountable for his school's performance if his teachers refused to change for the better
B. report grades to parents
C. accountable for his school's performance
D. understandably not accountable if his pupils do not perform because they come from indigenous people's communities
66. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to _____.
A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class
67. You want your students to have mastery learning of a basic topic. Which can help?
A. Morrisonian technique and drill
B. Socratic method
C. drill method
D. both B and C
68. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?
A. social contract
B. universal ethical principle
C. law and order
D. good boy/ good girl
69. Here is a question: "Is the paragraph a good one? Evaluate." If broken down to simplify, which is the best simplification?
A. Why is the paragraph a good one? Prove.
B. If you are asked to evaluate something, what do you do? Evaluate the paragraph.
C. What are the qualities of good paragraph? Does the paragraph have these qualities?
D. Is the paragraph a good one? Why or why not?
70. The idea that man is free and deserves to be punished for the evil he freely commits comes from ______.
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Thomas Aquinas
D. Socrates
71. Which of the following is an example of linguistic over extension that a 2year old might make?
A. saying “bye bye” to indicate that he or she wants to go out
B. pointing to a cat and saying “doggie”
C. repeating certain syllables, such as “ma m a ma”
D. reversing word order, such as “want it, paper”
72. If the student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest, which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs should be satisfied?
A. safely needs
B. Physiological needs
C. Belongingness
D. Self actualization
73. Other than finding out how well the course objectives were met, Teacher K also wants to know his students' performance when compared with other students in the class. What is Teacher K interested to do?
A. authentic evaluation
B. formative evaluation
C. criterion-referenced evaluation
D. norm-reference evaluation
74. It refers to the quantitative changes in an individual as he progress in chronological age. A. Development
B. Growth
C. Education
D. Maturation
75. With manner of answering as criterion, which of the following types of test does not belong to the group?
A. multiple choice
B. true-or-false
C. matching type
D. completion
76. If today we have an oversupply of teachers in the country, in the past we had a shortage. When did we have a shortage of teachers?
A. in 1901 when a highly centralized public school was established
B. in 1863 when primary schooling was made compulsory
C. in 1943 when the Japanese created the Military of Education
D. in the '70s when teachers sought for greener pasture abroad
77. Which of these is not in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?
A. physiological
B. performance
C. socialization
D. self-actualization
78. What characterize a school as a learning community?
I. Shared mission/vision, goals , and values
II. Focused on co-curricular activities
III. Commitment to continuous improvement
IV. Centralized governance
V. Collective inquiry into best practices
B. I, III, IV, V
D. I, III, V
79. Which of the following statements best describe a global teacher?
A. believes in education for sustainable development
B. wants to work overseas
C. rhinks and acts both locally and globally
D. desires to travel and explore the world
80. In the context of constructivist learning transaction, the teacher as facilitator of learning engages in an instruction that is _____.
A. flexible and creative
B. understanding and independent
C. formative and summative
D. democratic and independent
81. A professional license signed by the chairman of the Commission and bearing the registration number and date of issuance thereof and the month of expiry or renewability shall likewise be issued to every registrant who has paid the annual registration fees for _____ consecutive years.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 5
82. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in each class. What did she compute?
A. standard deviation
B. mean
C. range
D. median
83. Considering that the teacher is a role model to the learners, that "a glance, a word, or a smile can be an instrument of growth or a weapon of destruction," which may keep track of student's affective learning?
A. formative test
B. summative test
C. report card
D. anecdotal record
84. Which of the following is a correct statement on service contracting scheme?
A. It increases access to education.
B. It works against quality education.
C. It discriminates against private schools.
D. it is not cost-effective.
85. _____ is the start of Education in human rights.
A. Loving others
B. Caring for others
C. Liking others
D. Respects towards others
86. This Act refers to the “Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination”.
A. RA 7722
B. RA 9293
C. RA 7877
D. RA 7610
87. Which is a classroom application of the theory on operant conditioning?
A. Make students learn by operating manipulatives.
B. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation.
C. Help students see the connectedness of facts, concepts, and principles.
D. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response.
88. Referring to assessment, what are the essential features that should be explained to the learners?
I. Role of learners in the assessment
II. Why learners will be assessed
III. How their performance will be measured
IV. How the results will be used
89. Which of these statements best descibe the team approach in differentiating instruction for students?
I. Teachers, other professionals and parents share information and skills to make student's education as effective and consistent as possible.
II. Peer support is given to develop skills in providing quality instruction in the basic learning areas.
III. Child to child support is demonstrated in peer teaching and buddy system.
A. I and III
B. I, II, and III
C. I only
D. II only
90. Understanding of a concept is revealed as _____, the ability to accomplish tasks successfully under pressure.
A. performance in teamwork
B. performance in know-how
C. performance in arts
D. performance at works
91. Which of these does not illustrate equality as a central theme of educational opportunity?
A. Free basic education is provided by the government.
B. Teachers of the same position and length of service receive equal pay.
C. Equity prevails within a given locality since local taxes provide support for schools.
D. Children from diverse backgrounds attend the same school.
92. The Basic Education Curriculum is grounded on the constructivist philosophy of education. Who is then the ideal teacher of the BEC?
A. one who considers learners as passive recipients of information
B. one who enables learners to become discoverers of knowledge
C. one who makes learners depend totally on the teacher
D. one who is a "know-all" and instills knowledge into the minds of learners
93. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the least effective distracter?
A. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
D. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees
94. Which of the following type of test is not advisable to be used as a diagnostic test?
A. Multiple choice
B. Short response
C. essays
D. true false
95. The following promote lesson elaboration through student interaction except ______.
A. demonstration
B. peer tutoring
C. class discussion
D. cooperative learning
96. It is best for a teacher to use educational technology in a constructivist way. Which illustrate this?
I. Student writes a reaction paper to an article read on the internet.
II. Teacher uses TV to teach the stages of mitosis.
III. Student does group project powerpoint presentation to the class.
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I and II
97. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of _____.
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung
98. After the holidays, there was much chatter and sharing of stories in class. You are confronted with behavioral management. You have a well-planned lesson which you cannot start. What is the best strategy for the class to settle down so you can start the lesson?
A. Give the class 10 minutes to share how they spent the holidays.
B. Ask the students what their New Year's resolutions are.
C. Give the students 10 minutes to write a paragraph on their New Year's resolution.
D. Give a 10-item test to keep them quiet.
99. Experimentation in Science laboratory classes is an example of _____.
A. cognitive learning
B. sensory motorlearning
C. affective learning
D. association lLearning
100. Education during the American regime can be characterized as _____.
A. centralized
B. religious
C. Filipinistic
D. decentralized
101. Which of these instructional materials will be most effective to the tactile learners?
A. PowerPoint presentation
B. acetate/ transparencies
C. real objects
D. film strips
102. A high school graduate was refused admission to a university on the grounds that he failed the admission test. The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted and the act of the university was a violation of his right to education. Was the student correct?
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom.
B. Yes, education is everyone's right.
C. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous Peoples' group.
D. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.
103. To earn MA units for promotion, you pay your tuition fee but don't attend class at all. Does this help you to grow professionally?
A. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion.
B. Not immediately but yes once I get promoted.
C. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth.
D. It depends on the school I am enrolled in.
104. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called?
A. pre-operational egocentrism
B. conservation
C. reversibility
D. transductive reasoning
105. A test item has a difficulty index of 0.51 and a discriminating index of 0.25. What should a teacher do?
A. Make it a bonus item.
B. Retain the item.
C. Revise the item.
D. Reject the item.
106. Can parents pass on their duty to educate their children to the school, especially if they are illiterate?
A. No, parents have the primary duty to educate their children.
B. Yes, because parents did not go through formal training for the education of their children.
C. It depends on the condition of the parents.
D. It depends on the condition of the children.
107. You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes, and behavior. Which of the following should you establish to ascertain the instrument's validity?
A. construct
B. content
C. criterion-related
D. face
108. As provided for in Article II, Sec. 17 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, "to foster patriotism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation, the state shall give priority" to the following except for _____.
A. education
B. science and technology
C. arts, culture, and sports
D. value formation
109. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?
A. independent thinking
B. social interaction
C. individual mental work
D. scientific thinking
110. When using problem solving method, the teacher can _____.
A. set up the problem
B. test the conclusion
C. propose ways of obtaining the needed data
D. help the learners define what is it to be solved
111. In which type of classroom climate can students participate in the kind of "learning to live together"?
A. in competitive classrooms
B. in democratic classrooms
C. in individualistic classrooms
D. in autocratic classrooms
112. Which of the following may generate interpersonal relationships in the work environment?
A. learning new skills
B. challenging the best
C. off-site respites
D. dance festival
113. What type of learner verbally describes what they learn to another person?
A. visual
B. auditory
C. tactile
D. kinesthetic
114. In a 100-item test, what does Ryan's raw score of 70 mean?
A. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.
B. He got 70 items correctly.
C. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score.
D. He got a score that it above the mean.
115. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed by a paper-and-pencil test?
A. Subject-verb agreement
B. Vocabulary
C. Multiplication skills in Math
D. Sight reading in Music
116. What is the best method to use in presenting a lesson which would need sophisticated and expensive equipment and technical know-how?
A. problem solving
B. inquiry approach
C. demonstration
D. cooperative learning
117. In what level of objective in the affective domain is this objective: To contribute to the discussion by asking questions.
A. Organization
B. Receiving
C. Responding
D. Valuing
118. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky's theory in mind, what did Teacher H do?
A. guided participation
B. peer interaction
C. apprenticeship
D. scaffolding
119. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which does she want her teachers to do?
A. make their students derive meaning from what is presented
B. give the meaning of what they present
C. let their students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson
D. require her students to come up with a construct of the lesson
120. In Understanding by Design (UBD) curricular approach, the first consideration is about _____.
A. learning experiences
B. testing of knowledge
C. desired results
D. teaching strategies
121. Interpreting assessment results considers consistency. Which is described when the results are consistent?
A. validity
B. reliability
C. subjectivity
D. objectivity
122. If you want to generate as many ideas as you want, which of the following should you organize?
A. debate
B. forum
C. panel discussion
D. small group discussion
123. A young boy exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. discrimination
B. extinction
C. generalization
D. acquisition
124. As essential guidance service that deals with monitoring counseling cases as well as school graduates is called _____.
A. counseling
B. information
C. placement
D. follow up
125. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this means that the curriculum is _____.
A. sequenced
B. balanced
C. integrated
D. continued
126. In preparing storyboards for PowerPoint presentations, which must be strictly observed?
A. There should be varied animations.
B. There must be different colors to attract the learners.
C. The rule of 6 x 6 must be applied in the slides.
D. There must be an illustration per slide.
127. Ms. Shrilly Ann Regalado is newly appointed teacher. The principal advised her to avoid any conduct, which discredits the teaching profession. Which of the following action will not, in any manner, discredit the teaching profession?
A. writing anonymous letters
B. revealing confidential information to authorities concerned
C. assigning undeserved grades
D. joining social drinking and gambling session
128. To work for value internalization, which level of morality should we help young people attain?
A. post-conventional morality
B. pre-conventional morality
C. conventional morality
D. between conventional and post-conventional morality
129. Which of the following statements concerning test validity and reliability is most accurate?
A. A valid test is a reliable test.
B. A reliable test is a valid test.
C. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is objective.
D. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is standardized.
130. Which of these activities is not appealing to the bodily-kinesthetic learners?
A. making math moves
B. doing simple calisthenics
C. sketching/illustrating events
D. joining extramural events
131. Teacher X subscribes to the idealist philosophy. This means that the teacher believes that knowledge arrived through ______.
A. trial and error
B. concrete experience
C. experimenting
D. reasoning
132. Principal E wants her teachers to apply constructivism in teaching. Which of the following concepts will Principal E NOT accept?
A. "empty vessel"
B. "tabula rasa"
C. both a and b
D. candle to be lighted
133. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupils' ability to write?
A. portfolio assessment
B. scoring rubric
C. interview of pupils
D. self-assessment
134. Which improvement should be done on this test item: An example of a mammal is _____.
A. The question should have only one acceptable answer.
B. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
C. The items should give more cues.
D. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers.
135. Which holds true to standardized tests?
A. They are used for comparative purposes
B. They are administered differently
C. They are scored according to different standards
D. They are used for assigning grades
136. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to the development of insight?
A. Piaget's psychology
B. Kohlberg's psychology
C. Gestalt psychology
D. Bruner's psychology
137. What does digital divide refer to?
I. The gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all
II. The imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills needed to for effective participation.
III. The gap in ages of ICT users
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I, II, and III
D. I only
138. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question.
$\begin{matrix} Subject & Mean & SD & Student'sScore \\ Math & 56 & 10 & 43 \\ Physics & 41 & 9 & 31 \\ English & 80 & 16 & 109 \\\end{matrix}$
In which subject(s) were the scores most homogenous?
A. Math
B. English
C. Physics
D. Physics and Math
139. After a leason on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to determine learning. Which of the M.I. Is being enhanced?
A. linguistic
B. interpersonal
C. mathematical
D. kinesthetical
140. The framework for creative thinking includes the production of a great number of ideas or alternative solutions to a problem. Secondly, the ideas produced must show a variety of possibilities and different points of views. Together they are considered effective in developing creativity among students. What does the framework include?
A. problem solving and enhancing
B. variety and strategy
C. different approaches and strategies
D. fluency and flexibility
141. Good teaching is accepting responsibility for helping to make the journey as interesting, as rewarding and as exciting as possible. This proves that teaching demands?
A. rest and relaxation
B. interest in the profession
C. efficiency in service
D. deeper commitment
142. You want to have a small group discussion in your class. Which topics will be best for group discussion? Those topics _____.
A. where a high degree of consensus among students does not exist
B. where a high degree of consensus among students already exists
C. that are formally structured by texts
D. that are factual
143. To reduce electronic waste, implement a recycling system. Which belong to an e-waste recycling system?
I. Repair
II. Reuse
III. Upgrading of existing equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only
144. In preparing your seat plan, what must you consider?
I. Interview your students.
II. Know their physical illness.
III. Get to know their needs.
A. I only
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III
145. With a computer, you can organize information about trees and planets. Which tool should you use?
A. spreadsheet
B. database
C. word processing
D. desktop publishing
146. Which is an element of normreferenced grading?
A. the student’s NAT performance
B. an absolute standard
C. the performance of the group
D. what constitutes a perfect score
147. What do global learners enjoy most?
A. working on puzzles
B. generalize ideas from specific to general
C. likes to plan ahead
D. formulate generalization from details
148. Theft of school equipment like TV, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?
A. Prevalence of poverty in the community.
B. Inability of school to hire security guards.
C. Deprivation of Filipino schools.
D. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership.
149. The cylce in curriculum planning constitutes three fundamental elements. The goals and objectives, followed by the body of learning experiences and resources and ends with a/an _____.
A. revision of methods
B. reconsideration of the goals
C. assessment of outcomes
D. orientation of next activities
150. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which is the range?
A. 93
B. 85
C. 97
D. between 51 and 34
Answer Key:
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. D
21. A
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. C
31. A
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. D
36. A
37. B
38. B
39. B
40. B
41. D
42. C
43. D
44. B
45. C
46. A
47. B
48. D
49. D
50. A
51. C
52. A
53. D
54. C
55. A
56. C
57. A
58. D
59. A
60. D
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63. B
64. D
65. C
66. B
67. C
68. B
69. C
70. A
71. C
72. D
73. D
74. B
75. D
76. A
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78. D
79. C
80. A
81. A
82. C
83. D
84. A
85. D
86. D
87. D
88. D
89. C
90. B
91. C
92. B
93. B
94. C
95. D
96. A
97. A
98. A
99. B
100. A
101. C
102. A
103. A
104. A
105. B
106. A
107. D
108. D
109. B
110. D
111. B
112. C
113. A
114. B
115. D
116. C
117. C
118. D
119. A
120. C
121. B
122. C
123. A
124. D
125. B
126. C
127. B
128. A
129. A
130. C
131. D
132. C
133. A
134. A
135. C
136. C
137. A
138. D
139. D
140. D
141. D
142. A
143. A
144. D
145. B
146. C
147. D
148. D
149. C
150. C
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