Saturday, March 18, 2017

(Sample) LET Professional Education 23

1. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner's how should you teach?
A. Begin with the concrete.
B. Begin with the abstract.
C. Be interactive in approach.
D. Do direct instruction.

2. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which one should teachers the avoid?
A. student's reflection
B. rote memorization of facts
C. inquiry of students
D. self-directed learning

3. Which of the following statements concerning test validity and reliability is most accurate?
A. A valid test is a reliable test.
B. A reliable test is a valid test.
C. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is objective.
D. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is standardized.

4. A teacher is said to be a "trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage." Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such obligation?
A. use interactive teaching strategies
B. use the latest educational technology
C. observe continuing professional education
D. study the life of Filipino heroes

5. To earn MA units for promotion, you pay your tuition fee but don't attend class at all. Does this help you to grow professionally?
 A. No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion.
B. Not immediately but yes once I get promoted.
C. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth.
D. It depends on the school I am enrolled in.

6. Which is a valid assessment tool if you want to find out how well your students can speak extemporaneously?
A. performance test in extemporaneous speaking
B. written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
C. display of speeches delivered
D. writing speeches

7. Which are the basic components of a curriculum design?
A. standards, learning competencies, and evaluation
B. assessment, teching strategies, and textbooks
C. philosophy, goals, and objectives
D. content, structure, and delivery

8. To teach your students how to follow steps in a recipe effectively, which method should you use?
A. discovery
B. demonstration
C. unit
D. questioning

9. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Lesson plan should be in constant state of revision.
B. A good daily lesson plan ensures a better discussion.
C. Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plan.
D. All teachers regardless of their experience should have daily lesson plan.

10. You were tasked to test this hypothesis. "The more a teacher knows anout a specific subject matter, the better she can teach it." Which variable could be used as the dependent variable?
A. teacher's yearly performance evaluation rating.
B. personality traits of the teacher.
C. incentives offered to teachers
D. motivation from the school head

11. Which of the following is not a curriculum model?
A. Stufflebeam's Model
B. Tyler's Model
C. Taba's Model
D. Saylor's Model

12. Faith, hope, and love are values now and forever whether they will be valued by people or not. Upon what philosophy is this anchored?
A. Idealism
B. Existentialism
C. Realism
D. Pragmatism

13. The principle of individual differences requires teachers to _____.
A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities
C. treat all learners alike while in the classroom
D. prepare modules for slow learners in class

14. In which type of classroom climate can students participate in the kind of "learning to live together"?
A. in competitive classrooms
B. in democratic classrooms
C. in individualistic classrooms
D. in autocratic classrooms

15. The teacher encounters challenges in behavior management in the classroom. What can be an effective record of the day-to-day experiences and the necessary remedies for problems met?
A. diary
B. portfolio
C. journal
D. report

16. A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student's evidence of progress over a period of time. It can be used as an assessment tool to measure learning outcomes of learners who _____.
A. are dependent on others
B. can critique their own work
C. have difficulty in reading
D. are good in art work

17. Which is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which evaluation will be focused?
A. journal
B. portfolio
C. rubrics
D. stem

18. Teacher L wants to generate as many ideas as she can as the class is about to embark on a community outreach program. Which of the following will she employ?
A. simulation
B. brainstorming
C. brainwashing
D. role playing

19. If your approach to your lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate your lesson?
I. Drill
II. Reasoning
III. Lecturing
IV. Cooperative Learning
A. I, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, and IV
C. II only
D. I only

20. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience?
A. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning.
B. The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
C. The closer you are to the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomes.
D. The farther you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.

21. According to Erickson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?
A. high school years
B. elementary school years
C. preschool years
D. college years

22. In a 100-item test, what does Ryan's raw score of 70 mean?
A. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.
B. He got 70 items correctly.
C. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score.
D. He got a score that it above the mean.

23. Student C dances well. He knows how something works and he fixes things without asking for help. Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence under what intelligence is he strong?
A. Musical
B. Spatial
C. Kinesthetic
D. Intrapersonal

24. Schools should help develop students to become enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society. This thought is oriented to _____.
A. progressivism
B. behaviorism
C. reconstructionism
D. existentialism

25. Which can enhance the development of spatial intelligence?
A. hands-on demonstrations
B. environmental study
C. concept miming
D. concept mapping

26. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience, a number of areas of the brain are simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the teaching-learning process?
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers
II. Do multicultural units of study
III. Stick to the "left brain and right brain" approach
A. II only
B. I only
C. I and III
D. I and II

27. What is the best way to handle a situation when a teacher realize that her planned lesson were inadequate?
A. Send the students to the library to read related topics.
B. Tell the students to prepare for the next subject.
C. Give the students an essay for the remaining period.
D. Provide more exercises on the major points of the lesson.

28. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at the sight of a roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains Bernadette's behavior?
A. operant conditioning
B. attribution theory
C. Pavlovian conditioning
D. social learning theory

29. Ian’s raw of score in the Filipino class is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this imply?
A. 70% of Ian’s classmates got a score lower than 23.
B. Ian’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates.
C. 70% of Ian’s classmate got a score of above 23.
D. Ian’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates.

30. A generally accepted principle use as a basis for the whole process of teaching
A. method
B. technique
C. strategy
D. approach

31. With manner of answering as criterion, which of the following types of test does not belong to the group?
A. multiple chioce
B. true-or-false
C. matching type
D. completion

32. Which illustrates the principle that rights and duties are correlative?
I. The right to education on the part of a child corresponds to the obligation on the part of parents to educate their children.
II. The right to speak carries with it a duty to speak only what is true.
III. The right to a good name demands a duty from every person not to destroy that name.
A. I only
 B. II and III
C. II only
D. I and II

33. According to the Constitution, the State is required to establish and maintain free public and compulsory education in the ______.
A. elementary level only
B. secondary level
C. secondary and tertiary levels
D. elementary and secondary levels

34. For which can the Venn diagram be used?
A. sequencing of events
B. comparison
C. presenting attributes
D. showing cause-and-effect

35. Developing an understanding of life, the world around us and other people is the concern of which pillar of learning?
A. learning to know
B. learning to do
C. learning to be
 D. learning to live together

36. Which of the following is not a characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era?
A. structural
B. informal
C. religion-oriented
D. vocational training-oriented

*8-10 pts - Demonstrates imaginative thinking and unique qualities
*5-7 pts - Demonstrates moderate imaginative skills
*1-4 - Lacks imaginative thinking.
What is being assessed by the above criteria?
A. appeal
 B. creativity
C. aesthetic ability
D. workmaship

38. The best way to assess learning is to use real-life situations, objects, and materials existing in the environment. Hence, teachers are encouraged to use _____.
A. rating scale
B. paper-and-pencil test
C. observation technique
 D. authentic assessment

39. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?
A. Kohlberg
B. Bandura
C. Piaget
D. Bruner

40. Which method illustrates this statement? "That which can be thought of can be spoken, what can be spoken can be written and then read."
A. alphabet method
B. language experience approach
C. K-W-L
D. oral-graphic symbolic language

41. Which program of the Department of Education is an offshoot of the Filipino bayanihan spirit?
A. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)
B. Brigada Eskwela
 C. Child-Friendly School System
D. the Basic Education Curriculum

42. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public schools to enroll in private school at the government’s expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
 B. Study now Pay later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program

43. You will understand when a preschool boy asserts that two rows of five coins similarly spaced hae equal amounts; but when one row is spread out so that it is longer than the other, he says it has more coins. Based on Piaget's theory, which ability does he lack?
A. multiple classification
B. perspective taking
C. reversibility
D. conservation

44. Rapid technological development facilities transmission of knowledge for educational purposes, whether formal or informal through media technology.  This development is called _____.
A. Sine Skwela Technology
B. Mass Media Technology
C. Distance Educational Technology
D. Computer Assisted Technology

45. The discrimination index of a test item is -0.35. What does this mean?
A. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
B. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
C. The test is quite reliable.
D. The test item is valid.

46. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's social learning theory?
A. modelling
B. lecturing
C. questioning
D. inductive reasoning

47. What measure of position is appropriate when the distribution is skewed?
A. Mean
B. Stanine
C. Z­value
D. Percentile rank

48. which move liberalized access to education during the Spanish period?
A. the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each municipality
B. the hiring of tribal tutors to teach children
C. the provision of vocational training for school-age children
D. the education of illiterate parents

49. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of _____.
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung

50. What type of validity is needed if a test must course objective and scopes?
A. Content
B. Concurrent
C. Criterion
D. Construct

51. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, Sec. 13:2 provides institutions the freedom to determine on academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who shall teach, and what shall be the subject and research. This statement means
A. Philippine education provides equal access to cultural opportunities.
B. Philippine education recognizes academic freedom.
C. Philippine education encourages voluntary accreditation.
D. Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations upon school administrators or managers.

52. Key factors in developing effective learning environments are classroom disciplinary climate and teacher's self-efficacy. Which conclusion can be derived from this statement?
A. The teacher is the key to an effective learning environment.
B. Students who are subjected to disciplinary measures contribute to an effective learning environment.
C. A disciplinarian teacher creates a favorable learning environment.
D. The discipline form an authoritarian teacher yields a conducive learning atmosphere.

53. Referring to assessment, what are the essential features that should be explained to the learners?
I. Role of learners in the assessment
II. Why leaners will be assessed
III. How their performance will be measured
IV. How the results will be used
 B. I, II, III

54. Teacher B wanted her students to learn the electoral process in action. So, they stimulate a copy of the real thing completed with coming up with their own qualification of candidates, manner of campaigning, and canvassing of votes. With this, the students learned from _____.
A. contrived experiences
B. direct experiences
C. purposeful experience
D. demonstration

55. Research findings showed that student's motivation may vary according to socio-economic background. Which observation can attest to this?
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades.
B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk of failing and dropping from school.
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated.
D. More boys than girls become underachievers.

56. Teachers use a lot of problem and thinking skills in teaching and learning. These are exemplified through the following practices: reflective thinking, intuitive thinking, and discovery learning. What is the basis of these practices?
A. cognitive psychology
B. behaviorist psychology
C. humanistic psychology
D. social psychology

57. Which philosophy emphasizes the authority of the teachers and the value of a subject matter curriculum?
A. essentialism
B. idealism
C. perennialism
D. realism

58. You were assigned to handle a multigrade class. What instructional materials must be utilized to provide for the needs of each level?
A. differentiated materials to cater to different levels
B. multisensory materials
C. colorful, useful, and durable materials
D. materials of high level thinking skills

59. Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988 is contained in _____.
A. Republic Act No. 6938
 B. Republic Act No. 6735
C. Republic Act No. 6657
D. Republic Act No. 6655

60. Which of the following may not be adequately assessed by a paper-and-pencil test?
A. Subject-verb agreement
B. Vocabulary
C. Multiplication skills in Math
D. Sight reading in Music

61. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with and relating to people?
A. conducting mock election
B. home visitation
C. organizing a community project
D. writing articles on working and relating to people

62. Teacher X asked her students to describe how their families celebrate holidays. Students can discover that people celebrate holidays differently. Which principle in cognitive development governs Teacher X's teaching activity?
A. Social interaction is essential for cognitive development.
B. Children often think in different ways at different ages.
C. Cognitive development involves relating new information to prior knowledge.
D. Children actively construct their knowledge.

63. What percent of the cases in a set of measure lie before the third quartile or Q3?
A. 0.25
B. 0.5
C. 0.75
D. 0.65

64. A Grade I pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piaget’s theory states that this pupil is under what developmental stage?
A. Concrete operation
B. Formal operation
C. Sensorimotor
D. Pre­operation

65. It refers to the quantitative changes in an individual as he progress in chronological age.
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Education
D. Maturation

66. Which of the following practices is unethical for a teacher?
A. The teacher observes mobility of her profession.
B. The teacher cast her vote during national and local elections.
C. The teacher can claim money from the services rendered by his colleagues.
D. A teacher organizes remedial program for students with learning difficulty.

67. A sentence that comes before is missing. How is understanding of a concept shown by learners?
A. by repeating what has been heard
B. by memorizing what has been read
C. both a and b
D. by using and adopting these concepts

68. Here are raw scores in a quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. What would be the median?
A. 75
B. 52.72
C. 76
D. 77

69. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is NOT said of teachers?
A. LET passers
B. Duly licensed professionals
C. Possess dignity and reputation
D. With high-moral values as well as technical and professional competence

70. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under?
A. criterion­reference test
B. intelligence test
C. aptitude test
D. norm­reference test

71. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which particular skills her pupils are weak which test should Teacher B give?
A. Aptitude Test
B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Standardized Test

72. The adoption of national language directed by the Philippine Constitution is designed primarily to _____.
A. facilitate communication among diverse linguistic groups
B. do away from colonial mentality
C. officially adopt Tagalog as national language
D. counteract elitism

73. In qualitative social and behavioral studies, "the investigator is a part of the study." What are implied in this statement?
I. The researcher processes and analyzes the data himself.
II Data interpretation depends on the orientation of the researcher.
III. The investigator is the only source of information.
IV. Data gathering may be done by others but the analysis is done by the researcher.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

74. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?
A. The end does not justify the means.
B. The principle of double-effect
C. Always do what is right.
D. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.

75. Which of the following authors would mostly help Teacher L to understand the underlying effects of poverty on academic achievement?
A. Maslow
B. Dewey
C. Piaget
D. Kohlberg

76. Which is sound classroom management practice?
A. be reactive in approach
B. occupy students with extremely difficult task
C. be preventive in approach
D. give students very easy task to lighten their head

77. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed _____.
 A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search

78. Instructional objectives in the affective domain includes receiving, responding, and valuing. The highest level is _____.
 A. acceptance or preference
 B. selective attention or willingness to receive
C. sequence or feelings of satisfaction
D. conceptualization of a value system

79. What can be said of Student J who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar test?
A. He perform better than 75% of his classmates.
B. He answered 75 items correctly.
C. He got a raw score of 75.
D. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.

80. Which of the following innovations in education an curriculum utilizes educational technology as its primary delivery?
A. Understanding by Design
B. Mother Tongue-Based Education
D. School Bridging Program

81. If you apply differentiated instruction as an approach to teaching, which of the following will you do?
I. Allow students to select their own groups based on common interests.
II. Allow students to work independently at least occasionally according to their preferences.
III. Come up with heterogeneous groups when working with open-ended problem-solving tasks.
A. I, II, and III
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I only

82. Which is the primary basis for the selection and use of any instructional material?
A. instructional objective
B. novelty of instructional material
C. availability of instructional materials
D. developmental stage of learners

83. Which is a corresponding duty to every individual's right to education?
A. to share the benefits of the education he got in whatever capacity one finds himself
B. to work out his promotion based on his educational qualification
C. to help the young earn a college education
D. to build a foundation for the education of people

84. Which is a graphic representation of numerical data?
A. histogram
B. attribute wheel
C. Venn diagram
D. spider map

85. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated
A. Generalization
B. Extinction
 C. Acquisition
D. Discrimination

86. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?
A. Using common conversion table for translating test scores in to ratings
B. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another
C. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating
D. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for rating

87. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in the following test item? Identification. EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE ____________
A. The length of the blank suggests the answer.
B. The central problem is not packed in the stem.
C. It is open to more than one correct answer.
D. The blank is at the end of the question.

88. As a teacher, what do you do when you engage yourself in major task analysis?
A. Test if learning reached higher level thinking skills.
B. Breakdown a complex task into sub-skills.
C. Determine the level of thinking involved.
D. Revise lesson objectives.

89. Which of the following statements about computer viruses is TRUE?
A. Text files are the only files to be corrupted by viruses.
B. Files are always permanently damaged by viruses.
C. Files can be damaged by computer viruses.
 D. Compressed files can never be damaged by viruses.

90. For effective comparison, which one can you use?
A. spider map
B. fishbone diagram
C. webbing
D. metaphor

91. Which is the most essential characteristic of a Total Quality School model?
A. cliente-focused
 B. empowerment
C. involvement of stakeholders
D. continuous improvement

92. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that _____.
A. he surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees
B. he got a score of 80
C. he surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
D. he answered 80 items correctly

93. You like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the entire solar system. What is the best instructional aid?
 A. picture
B. model
C. realia
D. film

94. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how?
A. There is best method
B. Typical one will be good for any subject
C. These methods should be standardized for different subjects.
D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.

95. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What thought do you impress on your students?
A. Students' success depends on the success of the group.
B. Students' individually evaluate how effectively their group worked.
C. The accountability for learning is on the group, not on the individual.
D. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face-to-face interaction.

96. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of actual developmeny to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed _____.
A. competency technique
B. scaffolding
C. active participation
D. collaboration

97. The subject matter integration and organization of the curriculum involves _____.
I. life-centered approach
II. core approach
III. fused approach
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

98. Which among the following objectives in the psychomotor domain is the highest in level?
A. To contract a muscle
B. To run a 100­ meter dash
 C. To distinguish distant and close sound
D. To dance the basic steps of the waltz

99. For more efficient and effective management of schols as agents of change, one proposal for the DepEd to do is to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the strongest influence on this proposal?
A. political
B. psychological
C. historical
D. geographical

100. A teacher starts a lesson in Araling Panlipunan by defining migration. Then she explains the definition and goes on to give examples. The teacher is using the _____.
A. inductive method
B. deductive method
C. project method
D. problem method

101. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called?
A. pre-operational egocentrism
B. conservation
C. reversibility
D. transductive reasoning

102. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust
C. Initiative
D. Generativity

103. Which of the following are alternative assessments?
A. portfolio, exhibilts, journals
B. paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports
C. student self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys
D. multiple choice, structured observations, sentence completion

104. Which of the following curricular move served to strengthen spiritual and ethical values?
A. reducing the number of subject areas into the skill subjects
B. reintroducing Science as a subject in Grade 1
C. introduction of Values Education as a separate learning area
D. integration of creative thinking in all subject areas

105. What criterion is not included in the selection of subject matter content?
A. self-sufficiency
B. creativity
C. validity
D. utility

106. Which of the following is a right granted to schools as provided in B. P. 232, Sec. 13:1­2?
A. The right to receive, through primarily competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as persons with human dignity.
B. The right to free expression of opinion and suggestions and to effective channels of communications with appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the school or institution.
C. The right to organize themselves and/or with teachers for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of matters relating to the school programs.
D. The right of institutions of higher learning top determines on academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what shall be the subject of the study and research.

107. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
B. The test item is very difficult.
C. The test item is extremely easy.
D. The test item is not valid.

108. Which learning style is characterized by doing things that have immediate practical use?
A. sensing-thinking
B. intuitive-thinking
 C. sensing-feeling
D. intuitive-feeling

109. You want to engage your students in a small group discussions. Which topic lends itself to a lively discussion?
A. the exclusion of Pluto as a planet
B. the meaning of the law of supply and demand
C. the law of inertia
D. rules on subject-verb agreement

110. Teacher Z always checks on entry knowledge and skills before she proceeds to her new lesson. On which principle is Teacher Z's practice grounded?
A. Effective teaching proceeds from the concrete to the abstract.
B. Attention is essential for learning.
C. Learning increases when the lesson is relevant.
D. New learning builds on previous learning.

111. How are schools influenced when parents' measure of excellent school is children's ability to read as early as pre-kindergarten?
A. focus on academics
B. integration of values in the curriculum
C. application of socio-emotional learning
 D. exclusive use of reading books published by the school

112. Ms. Shrilly Ann Regalado is newly appointed teacher. The principal advised her to avoid any conduct, which discredits the teaching profession. Which of the following action will not, in any manner, discredit the teaching profession?
A. writing anonymous letters
B. revealing confidential information to authorities concerned
C. assigning undeserved grades
D. joining social drinking and gambling session

113. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
A. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
B. Appreciate Milton's Paradise Lost.
C. Use a microscope properly.
D. Distinguish war from aggression.

114. When you teach, you often engage yourself in brainstorming. Which do you avoid?
A. selectively involve pupils
B. break down barriers
C. generate many ideas
D. increase creativity

115. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in Math. Which is the LEAST important?
A. It is the main goal for the study of Math
B. It provides the content in which concepts and skills are learned and applied
 C. It provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking
 D. It provides pupils an opportunity to relate Math in the real world

116. The process of task analysis ends up in the formulation of _____.
A. instructional objectives
B. goals of learning
C. enabling objectives
D. behavioral objectives

117. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely, affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to leading community activities.
C. NO, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of communities
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.

118. Which philosophy approves of a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to memorize the rules of grammar?
A. Pragmatism
B. Existentialism
C. Realism
D. Idealism

119. What statement is FALSE with reference to the provisions of Section 3, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution?
A. The study of the Constitution shall be included in the curricula of all educational institution.
B. Religion shall be allowed to be taught in public elementary and high schools within the regular class hours.
C. Nationalism, patriotism, love of humanity, respect for human rights, and appreciation of the role of national heroes shall be inculcated and fostered in all schools.
D. The rights and duties of citizenship shall be taught, ethical and moral values strengthened, moral character and discipline developed, critical and creative thinking encouraged, scientific and technological knowledge broadened, vocational efficiency to be promoted.

120. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is _____% and the lowest failing grade is _____% in the report card.
A. 70 - 60
B. 75 - 70
C. 75 - 65
D. 70 -50

121. Which is most appropriate for the sharing of efforts and ideas?
A. thematic learning
B. peer tutoring
C. constructivist view
D. cooperative learning

122. For integrative approaches, which approach should be used?
A. cooperative learning
B. constructive approach
C. thematic approach
D. metacognitive approach

123. Audio-visual materials are given much importance in instruction as suppot for teaching. In the use of these devices and instructional materials, the teacher should remember first that _____.
A. illustrative materials are expensive
B. devices should be colored and entertaining
C. audio-visual devices are ends in themselves
D. no single one device is effective in all types of learning

124. What do global learners enjoy most?
A. working on puzzles
B. generalize ideas from specific to general
C. likes to plan ahead
D. formulate generalization from details

125. In preparing storyboards for PowerPoint presentations, which must be strictly observed?
A. There should be varied animations.
B. There must be different colors to attract the learners.
C. The rule of 6 x 6 must be applied in the slides.
D. There must be an illustration per slide.

126. _____ are rights that cannot be renounced because they needed for a person to fulfill their primordial obligations.
A. Perfect rights
B. Acquired rights
C. Alienable rights
D. Inalienable rights

127. The report card is given every grading period to the student and the parents are informed of the learner's performance. This is a/an _____ of the teacher stipulated in the Education Act of 1982.
A. role
B. obligation
C. accountability
D. responsibility

128. Here are raw scores in a quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. To get a picture of the group's performance, which measure of central tendency is most reliable to use?
A. mode
B. mean
C. median
D. none of these

129. As essential guidance service that deals with monitoring counseling cases as well as school graduates is called _____.
A. counseling
B. information
C. placement
D. follow­ up

130. Key questions are considered in instructional planning and in identifying desired results and assessments. Which two questions are relevant?
I. What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skills?
II. What method of assessment should be used?
III. What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish the learning objective?
IV. What type of tests should be given?
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

131. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?
A. a large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high marks
B. a large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high grades
C. a large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades
D. all of the students have average grades

132. According to research, persons learn best with what they _____.
A. smell and taste
B. see and hear
C. hear and touch
D. touch and taste

133. In what level of Moral Development which judgments are based on the norms of expectations of the group?
A. Post­conventional morality
B. Pre­conventional morality
C. Theory of moral development
D. Conventional morality

134. A pre­school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down.” This shows that the pre­ school child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is called _____.
A. symbolism
B. animation
C. realism
D. animism

135. In a well-known experiment, psychologists frustrate young children by placing a wire fence between the children and a pile of toys. When finally allowed to play with the toys, the children smashed and destroyed them. Which reaction was demonstrated?
A. rational aggresion
 B. displaced aggression
C. dormant aggression
D. sustained aggression

136. To teach students to explore, which should you use?
A. problem solving
B. project
C. discovery
D. reflection

137. A negative discrimination index of a test item tells that particular test item lacks _____.
A. objectivity
B. reliability
C. content validity
D. construct validity

138. Keeping track of assessment results from one periodic rating to the next is useful in contributing to the development of a _____.
A. regional plan
B. annual implementation plan
C. school improvement plan
D. division plan

139. Here is an instructional objective: "To distinguish between proper and improper fraction." Which is a valid test item for such objective?
A. Define proper and improper fractions.
B. Put a check (/) on the proper fractions and an X over the improper: 1/2, 4/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/7, 2/10, 6/12.
C. Is an improper fraction really a fraction? Explain your answer.
D. Can you add proper and improper fractions together? Explain.

140. Erikson said that children aged 3­5 is most likely:
A. Mischievous
B. Ego­centric
C. Lazy
D. Altruistic

141. Teacher T is designing a Values Formation Program for a group of high school students. Which type of test should she use to assess the needs of the target participants?
A. Interest Test
B. Aptitude Test
C. Intelligence Test
D. Personality Test

142. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory explains this?
A. operant conditioning
B. social learning theory
C. associative learning
D. Pavlovian conditioning

143. Praise becomes ineffectivem when it _____.
A. is given after the process is completed
B. specifies the particulars of the accomplishment
C. attributes the student's success to ability alone, or to factors such as luck or easy task
D. makes the student appreciate his own task-related behavior and think about problem-solving

144. Knowledge of procedure in writing a report is an example of a _____ rubric.
A. specific
B. generic
C. standard
D. performance

145. The common instrument used in measuring learning in the affective domain is _____.
A. questionnaire
B. checklist
C. multiple choice
D. scaling

146. When a student clarifies information from conclusion, what cognitive domain is involved?
A. analysis
B. evaluation
C. application
D. synthesis

147. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic

148. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the least effective distracter?
A. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
D. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees

149. After having been humiliated by Teacher A, Student B evaluates that teacher very poorly despite Teacher A's good teaching performance. Which trait is illustrated by Student B's behavoir?
A. rationalism
B. personalism
C. impersonalism
D. particularism

150. Which of the following is NOT provided in Education Act of 1940?
A. the national support of  elementary education
B. the double-­single session plan in the elementary schools
 C. the six-­year elementary course
D. vocational education in the public schools

Answer Key:
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. A
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. B
41. B
42. A
43. D
44. D
45. B
46. A
47. D
48. D
49. A
50. A
51. D
52. A
53. D
54. A
55. B
56. A
57. A
58. B
59. D
60. D
61. C
62. C
63. D
64. D
65. B
66. C
67. D
68. A
69. A
70. A
71. C
72. A
73. A
74. C
75. A
76. C
77. C
78. D
79. C
80. C
81. A
82. A
83. A
84. A
85. C
86. A
87. C
88. B
89. A
90. D
91. D
92. A
93. B
94. D
95. A
96. B
97. B
98. D
99. D
100. B
101. A
102. B
103. A
104. C
105. B
106. D
107. C
108. C
109. A
110. D
111. A
112. B
113. C
114. A
115. A
116. C
117. C
118. C
119. D
120. C
121. D
122. C
123. D
124. D
125. C
126. B
127. B
128. C
129. D
130. A
131. B
132. B
133. D
134. D
135. B
136. C
137. B
138. C
139. B
140. D
141. D
142. A
143. C
144. B
145. D
146. A
147. B
148. B
149. B
150. D

1 comment:

  1. for number 36, the education during pre-Spanish era was informal. so structural is not a characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era.
    answer for number 39 is letter A. Kohlberg
    answer for number 48 is letter A. the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each municipality
