A. Philippine education provides equal access to cultural opportunities.
B. Philippine education recognizes academic freedom.
C. Philippine education encourages voluntary accreditation.
D. Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations upon school administrators or managers.
2. A teacher/student is held responsible for his actions because s/he __________.
A. has instincts
B. is mature
C. has a choice
D. has reason
3. The decision to follow a criterion-referenced orientation in interpreting test scores will communicate _____.
A. how much of the test content the children were able to handle
B. the spread of scores in a class
C. the ranking of the students in a section
D. the overall performance of a particular class
4. According to Wiggins and McTighe, one facet of understanding, an evidence of learning, is empathy. Which test questions assesses capacity to empathize?
A. State the Pythagorean Theorem.
B. Test on Romeo and Juliet. Imagine you are Juliet. Write your thoughts and feelings why you have to take this desperate action.
C. Diagnose and fix the broken lamp.
D. Translate all the words in Spanish and give the meaning of the sentence.
5. To make our children become like "little scientists", which of the following methods should we employ more often?
I. Inquiry II. Problem-solving III. Laboratory
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I, II, and III
D. I and III
6. Which instructional material is most fit in contextualized learning?
A. television
B. slides
C. field trip
D. pictures
7. Audio-visual aids are used primarily _____.
A. to discipline children by focusing their attention to the lesson
B. as a motivational tool for learning
C. to reward children for outstanding achievement
D. as part of a planned lesson
8. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question.
$\begin{matrix} Subject & Mean & SD & Student'sScore \\ Math & 56 & 10 & 43 \\ Physics & 41 & 9 & 31 \\ English & 80 & 16 & 109 \\\end{matrix}$
In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform most poorly in relation to the group’s performance?
A. English
B. English and Math
C. Math
D. Physics
9. Which of the following curricular move served to strengthen spiritual and ethical values?
A. reducing the number of subject areas into the skill subjects
B. reintroducing Science as a subject in Grade 1
C. introduction of Values Education as a separate learning area
D. integration of creative thinking in all subject areas
10. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency
11. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
12. After having been humiliated by Teacher A, Student B evaluates that teacher very poorly despite Teacher A's good teaching performance. Which trait is illustrated by Student B's behavoir?
A. rationalism
B. personalism
C. impersonalism
D. particularism
13. With manner of answering as criterion, which of the following types of test does not belong to the group?
A. multiple chioce
B. true-or-false
C. matching type
D. completion
14. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers stipulates that educational institutions shall offer quality education for all Filipino citizens. How is quality education defined in R.A. 9155?
A. Relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an individual and society.
B. All school-aged children should be provided free and compulsory education.
C. Children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public schools.
D. Public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education.
15. Which is a classroom application of this principle: "Students learn more effectively when they elaborate on new information." Ask your students to _____.
A. write the principle five times
B. commit the principle to memory
C. analyze the principle from different points of view
D. print the principle in bigger letters then put it in a place where they can read it time and again
16. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Which drive can motivate him to perform the learning task? The drive to _____.
A. achieve
B. have power
C. affiliate
D. to be free
17. Multiple intelligences can be used to explain children's reading performance. Which group tends to be good readers?
A. linguistically intelligent group
B. spatially intelligent grouo
C. existentially intelligent group
D. kinesthetically intelligent group
18. Which of these school practices helps create a positive learnin climate?
A. giving recognition or appreciation for teachers/staff accomplishments
B. giving clear expectations to the academic community
C. encouraging everyone to participate in accomplishing school goals and objectives
D. encouraging only the high performing teachers to apply for promotion
19. With the power given to every school head, it includes that the school head is _____.
A. not accountable for his school's performance if his teachers refused to change for the better
B. report grades to parents
C. accountable for his school's performance
D. understandably not accountable if his pupils do not perform because they come from indigenous people's communities
20. All learning should center on the child's interests and needs. The school should be a pleasant place for learning. Its emphasis is on the child as the learner and not on subject matter, on activities and experience than on textbook. Which philosophy is described?
A. progressivism
B. reconstructionism
C. perennialism
D. pragmantism
21. Borich identified three types of classroom climate that the teacher can use in different situations. Which of these classroom climate is/are the less threatening?
I. Competitive II. Cooperative III. Individualistic
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I and III
D. III only
22. You will understand when a preschool boy asserts that two rows of five coins similarly spaced hae equal amounts; but when one row is spread out so that it is longer than the other, he says it has more coins. Based on Piaget's theory, which ability does he lack?
A. multiple classification
B. perspective taking
C. reversibility
D. conservation
23. Which is a graphic illustration of the relationship between two variables?
A. histogram
B. scatter diagram
C. frequency polygon
D. normal curve
24. What must you establish at the beginning of the class to ensure order and discipline?
A. Elect the classroom officers.
B. Set your rules and expectations.
C. Impose your sanctions for erring students.
D. Let them know that you are firm and strict.
25. Which of the following is not a characteristic of education during the pre-Spanish era?
A. structural
B. informal
C. religion-oriented
D. vocational training-oriented
26. It is best for a teacher to use educational technology in a constructivist way. Which illustrate this?
I. Student writes a reaction paper to an article read on the internet.
II. Teacher uses TV to teach the stages of mitosis.
III. Student does group project powerpoint presentation to the class.
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I and II
27. What is the best method to use in presenting a lesson which would need sophisticated and expensive equipment and technical know-how?
A. problem solving
B. inquiry approach
C. demonstration
D. cooperative learning
28. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?
A. Objective test
B. Short answer test
C. Essay test
D. Problem type
29. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?
A. Existentialism
B. Christian philosophy
C. Idealism
D. Hedonism
30. Showing films or picture at the beginning of a lesson is part of _____.
A. initiatory activity
B. development activity
C. evaluation activity
D. culminating activity
31. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is _____.
A. belongingness
B. safety
C. psychological need
D. self-actualization
32. In time of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives in defense of the nation. Which principle is applied?
A. nobler person - God before man
B. closer relationship - friends before strangers
C. more common good - public safety before private safety
D. wider social order -family before individual
33. Miss Connie Cepeda is newly appointed teacher. The principal handed a copy of the Teacher’s Code of Ethics. Which could have been the motive of the principal?
A. acquaint her with principles of moral behavior, conduct and relationship in the practice of profession
B. make her aware of the principles and rules prescribed under the authority of the state
C. familiarize her with the generally customs of right living in a society
D. provides her a set of rules and regulation to observe in school
34. With which of the following is poor reading performance associated?
I. Use of rote memorization as reading strategy
II. Relatively low self-esteem
III. Deprived home environment
A. I, II, and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. II only
35. It is an approach that makes students "think about their thinking". Students get conscious of their thought processes while they are engaged in their cognitive tasks.
A. cognitive
B. constructivist
C. metacognitive
D. reflectivist
36. Which applies when skewness is zero?
A. Mean is greater than the median
B. Median is greater than mean
C. Scores have three modes
D. Scores are normally distributed
37. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?
A. paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
B. oral performance to assess student's spoken communication skills
C. artistic production for music and art subject
D. experiments in science to assess scientific method
38. "Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed." This is based on the theory of _____.
A. constructivism
B. categorization
C. predisposition
D. connectionism
39. Teacher Z always checks on entry knowledge and skills before she proceeds to her new lesson. On which principle is Teacher Z's practice grounded?
A. Effective teaching proceeds from the concrete to the abstract.
B. Attention is essential for learning.
C. Learning increases when the lesson is relevant.
D. New learning builds on previous learning.
40. Here is a lesson objective: "To trace the causes of Alzheimer's disease." Which is a valid test for this particular objective?
A. Do young people also get attacked by alzheimer's disease? Support your answer.
B. What is an alzheimer's disease?
C. Can an alzheimer's disease be traced to old age? Explain your answer.
D. To what factors can Alzheimer's disease be traced? Explain.
41. Research on the brain reveals that the numbers of dendrite connections in the first five years of growth are in tens of billions. What does this underscore?
I. The significance of a stimulating early childhood education
II. The necessity of forcing the child to learn at an early age or else may never get interested at all
III. The need to punish preschool children when they can't follow a lesson for them to remember the lesson
IV. The significance of right parenting
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. I and IV
D. II and III
42. Teaching by objective logically goes hand in hand with which type of evaluation
A. norm-referenced
B. criterion-referenced
C. standardized
D. both a and b
43. j. Bruner's idea that learning is constructing new ideas based on current and past knowledge is the essence of _____.
A. constructivist teaching
B. cooperative learning
C. reflective teaching
D. direct instruction
44. The old, time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which of the following describes these methods?
I. They are teacher-directed.
II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost importance.
III. Procedures are well-established.
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III
45. Rubrics are used for rating performance and scoring guides to describr the _____ qualities of student outcomes.
A. tested
B. accomplished
C. distinguished
D. desired
46. An entering student in college would like to determine which vocation is best suited for him. Which of the following tests is most appropriate for his purpose?
A. intelligence test
B. readiness test
C. achievement test
D. aptitude test
47. The observable manifestation of student's feelings, thoughts, or attitude are summed up as behavior. Every high school teacher is expected to contribute to the assessment of the student's behavior but the grade is reflected in _____.
A. Good Manners and Right Conduct
B. Values Education
C. co-curricular activities
D. curricular activities
48. Which is true when standard deviation is small?
A. Scores are tightly bunched together.
B. The bell curve is relatively flat.
C. Scores are spread apart.
D. Scores are toward both extremes.
49. A negative discrimination index means _____.
A. more from the lower group got the item correctly
B. more from the upper group got the item correctly
C. the test item could not discriminate between the upper and the lower group
D. the test item has low reliability
50. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item: Jose Rizal wrote_____.
A. The central problem should be packed in the stem.
B. There must be only one correct answer.
C. Alternatives must have grammatical parallelism.
D. The alternates must be plausible.
51. What does Education for All (EFA) imply to schools?
I. Practice of inclusive education
II. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of the nonformal
III. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys or for girls
IV. The promotion of alternative learning systems
A. II and IV
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. I and IV
52. The test item “Group the following items according to shape” is a thought test item on _____.
A. creating
B. classifying
C. generalizing
D. comparing
53. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with and realating to people?
A. conducting mock election
B. home visitation
C. organizing a community project
D. writing articles on working and relating to people
54. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?
I. Formal Operation stage II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Pre-operational stage IV. Concrete operational stage
55. Which technique makes your students teach and learn at the same time?
A. peer tutoring
B. computer-assisted instruction
C. reciprocal teaching
D. debate
56. Teacher L gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much learning results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher L's conviction anchored?
A. humanist
B. cognitive
C. behaviorist
D. associationist
57. There is a statement that says, "No amount of good instruction will come out without good classroom management." Which of the following best explains this statement?
A. Classroom management is important to effect good instruction.
B. There must be classroom management for instruction to yield good outcomes/ results.
C. Classroom management means good instruction.
D. Good instruction is equal to effective classroom management.
58. Which of the following statements on classroom climates can be considered true?
I. Classroom climate is affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher.
II. Classroom climate is not affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher.
III. Democratic leadership produces more task orientation and more socially acceptable behavior than does autocratic leadership.
IV. When environmental conditions are appropriate for learning, the likelihood of disruptive behavior is minimized.
A. II and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. III only
D. I only
59. How is effectiveness measured by results-driven education?
A. by using relevant data to promote continuous school improvement
B. by assessing results as bases for planning
C. by comparing schools in a division
D. by comparing schools in a region
60. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his relationships with his classmates. Which basic goal must haye not been attained by Rodel during his developmental years, according to Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy
B. Trust
C. Initiative
D. Generativity
61. In which order do the three important goals during childhood be attained according to Erickson? A. autonomy, initiative, trust
B. trust, autonomy, initiative
C. initiative, trust, autonomy
D. autonomy, trust, initiative
62. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at the sight of a roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains Bernadette's behavior?
A. operant conditioning
B. attribution theory
C. Pavlovian conditioning
D. social learning theory
63. On which theory is Teacher A's practice of conducting her lessons in a way that her students are taught to discover and perceive new relationships for insight and understanding based?
A. cognitive theory
B. humanist theory
C. behaviorist theory
D. physiological theory
64. Which type of parenting style is most benefical to the development of children, according to research?
A. authoritarian
B. permissive
C. authoritative
D. uninvloved
65. What should a teacher do for students in their class who are not on an expected grade level?
A. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level.
B. Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed.
C. Give them the same work as the other students because they will absorb as much as they are capable of.
D. Push them to perform in order to attain desired grade level.
66. Which of the following is not a curriculum model?
A. Stufflebeam's Model
B. Tyler's Model
C. Taba's Model
D. Saylor's Model
67. If you have to develop in the students a correct sense of right and wrong, with which should you be concerned according to Freud?
A. superego alone
B. ego alone
C. Id alone
D. both superego and ego
68. A number of test items in a test are said to be non discriminating. What conclusions can be drawn?
I. Teaching or learning was very good.
II. The item is so easy that anyone could get ot right.
III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.
A. II and III
B. I only
C. III only
D. I and II
69. Which of the following statements best describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum augmentation?
A. It is learning how to learn and thinking about how one thinks.
B. It is learning strategies for success.
C. It is learning through interaction with the environment.
D. It is learning through computer-aided instruction.
70. Which among the indicators could be most useful for assessing quality of schooling?
A. participation rate
B. cohort survival rate
C. net enrollment rate
D. drop-out rate
71. Despite opposition from some school officials, DepEd has continuously enforced the "no collection of fees" policy during enrollment period for public schools. Is this policy in accordance with EFA goals?
A. No, it violates the mandate of quality education.
B. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education.
C. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities.
D. No, it does not support parent or adult education.
72. What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by the students?
A. assessed curriculum
B. learned curriculum
C. hidden curriculum
D. taught curriculum
73. Which is true when standard deviation is big?
A. The bell curve shape is steep
.B. Scores are spread apart.
C. Scores are concentrated.
D. Scores are not extremes.
74. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child's pool of knowledge. Which of the following goes with this sentence?
A. The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes.
B. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her world becomes.
C. both a and b
D. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged the child becomes.
75. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupils' ability to write?
A. portfolio assessment
B. scoring rubric
C. interview of pupils
D. self-assessment
76. What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?
A. Almost all students had average performance.
B. A few students performed excellently.
C. Most students performed poorly.
D. Most students performed well.
77. Which is not a characteristic of an analytic learner?
A. learns whole to part
B. enjoys memorizing
C. works on details
D. sequences objects in order
78. The more information teachers obtain about how students perform, the more capacity they have to rethink their pedagogy, and the more opportunities they create for student success. Which statement best explains the text above?
A. Teachers should keep track of learning outcomes.
B. Teachers should keep records of family background.
C. Teachers should file information.
D. Teachers should teach to test.
79. Which is true about the integrative approach to lesson planning?
A. teacher-centered and highly structured lessons
B. teacher-centered only
C. multidisciplinary
D. highly structured lessons only
80. What is the best meaning of collaboration in schools?
A. It is support for the beginning teachers.
B. It is identifying mentors among the experienced teachers.
C. It is working interdependently to analyze professional practice.
D. It is working independently to determine impact of practice.
81. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop knowledge throught the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
82. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work
A. id alone B. superego alone C. ego alone D. Id and ego interaction
83. Referring to alternative learning systems, which one does not belong?
A. distance education
B. formal classroom instruction
C. computer-mediated communication
D. flexible delivery
84. Which is a restricted essay test?
A. What should the Department of Education do to solve the perennial problem of poor quality of basic education? Give and justify your proposals.
B. If you were President of the Philippines, what would you do to spur the nation's economic growth?
C. What conditions must be present for photosynthesis to take place? Explain each factor in not more than three sentences.
D. Why are more and more people sick of Alzheimer's disease?
85. The collgeial process of developing ad evaluating performance assessments help teachers to understand the _____ needed to produce high quality performance.
A. tests
B. information
C. materials
D. scaffolding
86. Why must lesson objectives and course objectives in the syllabi be aligned with the aims of education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution?
A. to learn more about the Constitution of our country
B. to develop mission-inspired citizens
C. to facilitate a faster and better learning
D. to instill the ideals and goals of the country
87. The NCBTS domain on Social Regard for Learning focuses on which indicators?
I. Demonstates punctuality
II. Maintains appropriate appearance
III. Communicates higher learning expectations
IV. Makes use of various learning experiences
V. Is careful about the effect of one's behavior on learners
A. I, II, IV
C. I, II, IV, V
88. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow's Needs Theory?
A. sex education issues in school
B. delinquency in the public schools
C. the effects of different classroom structures
D. the effect of poverty on academic achievement
89. Which seating arrangement has been proven to be effective for learning?
A. flexible to suit varied activities
B. fixed arrangement to maximize intructional time
C. a combination of fixed and flexible management
D. any seat arrangement to suit varied learning styles
90. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning in the affective domain is through _____.
A. reading of journal entries
B. performance assessment
C. product assessment
D. self-assessment
91. What objectives do effective leaders foster?
I. Attainable II.Measurable III.Results-oriented IV. Specific V. Time-bound
A. II, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, IV, and V
C. I, IV, and V
D. I, II, III, and IV
92. To ensure high standards of teacher's personal and professional development, what tool/instrument was developed by the DepEd for self-asssessment?
93. Which of the following interventions reduces stigma between social status and social selection in the educational system?
A. National Achievement Test
B. Education for All
C. National College Admission Examination
D. Education Service Contracting Scheme
94. Wiggins and McTighe (1998) maintain that in Understanding by Design (UBD), the theory of understanding and "backward" design process are compatible with problem-based learning. They support the idea that the developmental level of student will determine how much _____ conceptualization is appropriate.
A. concrete
B. in-depth
C. general
D. abstract
95. Research says that development in one domain influences and is influenced by development in other domains. What is an education implication of this finding?
A. use thematic teaching
B. use MI approaches
C. stimulate the sense of sight which is the most important of the senses
D. both a and b
96. Which of the following are alternative assessments?
A. portfolio, exhibits, journals
B. paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports
C. student self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys
D. multiple choice, structured observations, sentence completion
97. "Once a teacher, forever a student." What does the statement imply about quality personal and professional development for teachers?
A. The teacher is able to teach their students.
B. The teacher learns from their students.
C. It is continuing.
D. Personal and professional development calls for teacher's exposure to students.
98. Erikson was influenced by S. Freud and came up with a theory which serves as a basis for analyzing personality and development to help facilitate the teacher's understanding of various environmental factors that affect own behavior and those of their students, as well. This theory came to be known as ______.
A. emotional development
B. moral
C. personality development
D. psycho-social
99. In a Biology class, the students were asked to trace their own families' closest relatives starting from their great grandparents. They constructed a starting couple and added several branches to indicate the offsprings up to second or third generations. Which did they construct?
A. pictograph
B. family tree
C. fishbone diagram
D. affinity diagram
100. The primary objective in the regionalization of the educational system is to _____.
A. encourage the undertaking of language researches in various regions
B. take into account local needs and condition and encourage local development planning
C. get assurance that all educational policies are implemented nationwide
D. promote quality education at all levels and in all communities of the country
101. Teacher B is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher is reinforcing learning by giving the same information in, a variety of methods.
B. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
C. The teacher wants to do less talk.
D. The teacher is emphasizing listening and speaking skills.
102. Which objective in the affective domain is in the highest level?
A. To resist alcoholism
B. To approve of rules agreed upon
C. To listen to the narration of identified models
D. To relinquish membership in a gang
103. Other than finding out how well the course objectives were met, Teacher K also wants to know his students' performance when compared with other students in the class. What is Teacher K interested to do?
A. authentic evaluation
B. formative evaluation
C. criterion-referenced evaluation
D. norm-reference evaluation
104. Any deviation from a standard or desired level of performance is a _____.
A. problem
B. gap
C. devotion
D. decision
105. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic
106. You want your better students to overlearn what they have learned and at the same time, help others to master the lesson. Which activity is best?
A. game
B. simulation
C. peer tutoring
D. practice
107. Which of the following statements is/are not true about assessment?
I. Feedback is the most importannt factor in assessment.
II. Only those that can be objectively measured should be taught.
III. Assessment should follow a developmental pattern.
IV. Identifying systematic errors committed by students should be the basis of remedial instruction. A. II only
B. IV only
C. III and IV
D. I and II
108. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which one should teachers the avoid?
A. student's reflection
B. rote memorization of facts
C. inquiry of students
D. self-directed learning
109. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called?
A. pre-operational egocentrism
B. conservation
C. reversibility
D. transductive reasoning
110. To develop reasoning and speaking ability, which should you use?
A. storytelling
B. role-playing
C. experiment
D. debate
111. Teacher A is observed to be a bit aloof from the children of the Aetas. She justifies her action by saying: "We are but human; we cannot like every pupil." Is she acting ethically?
A. No, under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced against any learner.
B. No, unless she has extraordinary reason for being aloof to the Aetas.
C. Yes, persons have their own peculiarities and we cannot expect everybody to like us.
D. Yes, because Teacher A is not yet engaged in a destructive behavior.
112. The discrimination index of a test item is -0.35. What does this mean?
A. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
B. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
C. The test is quite reliable.
D. The test item is valid.
113. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which of the following must have served as a plausible option?
A. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
D. A, B, and C
114. Which of the following do not indicate need for frequent monitoring of teaching and learning?
I. Teachers modify classroom practice based on new strategies learned.
II. Classroom assessment is aligned with the curriculum.
III. Instruction is aligned to the needs of learners.
IV. Experienced teachers are paired to mentor less-experienced teachers
A. I, II, III, and IV
B. I, II, and III
C. I and II
D. I, II, and IV
115. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed _____.
A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search
116. Teacher G gave a test in grammar. She found out that one half of the class scored very low. She plans to give another test to the pupils who scored very low to find out exactly where they are weak. Which type of test is this?
A. placement test
B. diagnostic test
C. achievement test
D. intelligence test
117. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which of the following features apply?
I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professionals and experts.
II. Interested groups are assumed to agree with the aims of the curriculum.
III. Consensus building is not necessary.
A. I, II, and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. III only
118. The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an insight stems from the ability to _____.
A. comprehend the subject that is being studied
B. analyze the parts of a whole
C. evaluate the wortiness of a thing
D. relate and organize things and ideas
119. What measure of central tendency does the number 16 represent in the following data: 14, 15, 17, 16, 19, 20, 16, 14, 16?
A. Mode
B. Median
C. Mode and median
D. Mean
120. To cater to the needs of the diverse types of learners, what materials must be prepared?
A. multipurpose materials
B. colorful materials
C. durable materials
D. big and bold materials
121. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
B. The test item is very difficult.
C. The test item is extremely easy.
D. The test item is not valid.
122. Teacher L's objective is to focus students' attention on and quickly create interest in a problem or concept. She should make use of _____.
A. tutorial group
B. Philips 66
C. task group
D. panel discussion
123. You have computed the mean and you want to get more information about the distribution of scores. Which measure of variability is most appropriate?
A. standard deviation
B. mode
C. semi-interquartile range
D. range
124. Gardner (1999) states: "There are many great teachers - but the lack of coordination among classes and the absence of accountability to those 'outisde the door' is lamentable." What does Gardner's statement imply?
A. need for mentors
B. need for coaches
C. need for cooperation
D. need for collaboration
125. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
A. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
B. Appreciate Milton's Paradise Lost.
C. Use a microscope properly.
D. Distinguish war from aggression.
126. Key questions are considered in instructional planning and in identifying desired results and assessments. Which two questions are relevant?
I. What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skills?
II. What method of assessment should be used?
III. What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish the learning objective?
IV. What type of tests should be given?
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV
127. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the least effective distracter?
A. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
D. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees
128. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
129. How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more effectively?
A. allow sufficient time for processing different types of information
B. provide a general overview of the lesson
C. use a variety of reflection strategies
D. use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing
130. For a lesson on subject-verb agreement, you want to proceed deductively. How will you do it?
A. State the rules, then give examples.
B. Give examples, then ask students to state the rule on subject-verb agreement.
C. Give them a pretest, then teach them based on the pretest results.
D. Let them play a game relevant to subject-verb agreement.
131. Between pursuing a college course where there is no demand and a vocational course which is highly in demand, the students usually opt for the college course. Which Filipino value is demonstrated?
A. importance of education
B. penchant for a college diploma
C. desire for entrepreneurship
D. interest to obtain a skill
132. A student passes a poorly written book report but at the same time it is ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which practice does this point to? A. substance over "porma"
B. art over academics
C. art over science
D. "porma" over substance
133. Ms. Shrilly Ann Regalado is newly appointed teacher. The principal advised her to avoid any conduct, which discredits the teaching profession. Which of the following action will not, in any manner, discredit the teaching profession?
A. writing anonymous letters
B. revealing confidential information to authorities concerned
C. assigning undeserved grades
D. joining social drinking and gambling session
134. Which characteristic behavior of a Grade IV pupil makes you conclude that he is behind in his development in comparison with the average Grade IV pupil?
A. He has not learned yet to get along with his agemates.
B. He has not yet achieved emotional independence from parents.
C. He has not yet achieved a feminine or masculine social role.
D. He has not yet achieved a socially responsible behavior.
135. Pursuant to the provision of Article XIV, Sec. 1 of the Philippine Constitution, which DepEd policy may help attain the mandate that the State shall protect and promote the right of all citizen to quality education?
I. Revision of the BEC
II. Hiring and recruitment policy
III. Accreditation of the schools
IV. Strengthen the role of educational supervisors
A. III and IV
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I and IV
136. In their desire to make schools perform, the DepEd then published the ranking of schools in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?
I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test
A. II and III
B. II only
C. I and III
D. III only
137. In which type of classroom climate can students participate in the kind of "learning to live together"?
A. in competitive classrooms
B. in democratic classrooms
C. in individualistic classrooms
D. in autocratic classrooms
138. At the high school level, Kohlberg's advice to teachers is for them to begin discussing with students about abstract principles such as justice and human rights. On the average, in which moral development stage are high school students supposed to be?
A. post conventional stage
B. conventional stage
C. in between conventional and post conventional stage
D. this depends on the school culture
139. Considering that the teacher is a role model to the learners, that "a glance, a word, or a smile can be an instrument of growth or a weapon of destruction," which may keep track of student's affective learning?
A. formative test
B. summative test
C. report card
D. anecdotal record
140. If you want your pupils to master the multiplication table, which activity is most fit?
A. game
B. drill
C. simulation
D. reflection
141. Which of the following least appeal to tactile learners?
A. movement activities
B. games
C. group activities
D. posters
142. Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information. Classify a student who learns best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through, and listening to what others have to say. This student is a/an _____.
A. visual learner
B. auditory learner
C. analytic learner
D. global learner
143. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Which of the following about Joe is correct?
A. has a low sense of self-efficacy
B. has a high sense of self-efficacy
C. has no sense of self-efficacy
D. wants to be sure of his self efficacy
144. In the context of the six facets of understading cited by Wiggins and McTighe, what is a proof of a student's understanding a principle?
A. repeating the principle given by the teacher
B. applying the principle to solve a problem
C. stating the principle from memory
D. memorizing the principle
145. What is the best way to develop math concepts?
A. learning math as applied to situations, such as its being a tool of science
B. solving problems by looking for correct answers
C. solving problems by using memorized formula
D. solving problems by applying learned formulas
146. If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more _____ questions.
A. closed
B. factual
C. conceptual
D. convergent
147. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for inter-disciplinary teaching. Which strategy/method did I use?
A. Problem-entered learning
B. Thematic instruction
C. Reading-writing activity
D. Unit method
148. If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern your thinking?
A. For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to learners.
B. Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them.
C. Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled.
D. Teachers are the only source of knowledge.
149. Confucius asserted that in teaching, there should be no distinction of classes. Confucius' teaching is in support of _____.
A. Education for all (EFA)
B. Moral Recovery Program
C. Back-to-the-basics
D. Values Education
150. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is _____% and the lowest failing grade is _____% in the report card.
A. 70 - 60
B. 75 - 70
C. 75 - 65
D. 70 - 50
Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. A
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. C
28. C
29. C
30. A
31. D
32. D
33. A
34. A
35. C
36. D
37. A
38. D
39. D
40. D
41. C
42. B
43. A
44. D
45. D
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. A
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51. D
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53. C
54. A
55. A
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57. B
58. B
59. A
60. B
61. B
62. C
63. A
64. C
65. A
66. A
67. A
68. A
69. A
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71. B
72. B
73. B
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77. A
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80. C
81. D
82. B
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88. D
89. A
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94. B
95. D
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99. B
100. D
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102. D
103. D
104. B
105. B
106. C
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109. A
110. D
111. A
112. B
113. D
114. A
115. C
116. B
117. A
118. D
119. C
120. A
121. C
122. C
123. A
124. D
125. C
126. A
127. B
128. A
129. D
130. A
131. B
132. D
133. B
134. A
135. C
136. A
137. B
138. A
139. D
140. B
141. D
142. B
143. A
144. B
145. A
146. D
147. D
148. A
149. A
150. C
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