Monday, November 14, 2016

(Sample) LET Professional Education 6

1. Which one works against the improvement of quality education?
A. deregulation of tuition fees
B. voluntary accreditation
C. school working in isolation from community and industry
D. identification of centers of excellence/centers of development

2. In the three level approach to teaching, values are at the apex of the triangle. Now comes the question, "Can values be taught?"
A. Yes, they are dependent on affective dimensions.
B. No, they are rather caught than taught.
C. Yes, they have a cognitive dimension as well.
D. No, they cannot fit a subject matter content.

3. Bryan has had difficulty getting the right solution to a problem in algebra. Suddenly, he “saw” how solve to problem. Which of the following explains this situation?
A. Revelation
B. Insight
C. Retention
D. Memory

4. If there are three raters of an essay test, what conclusion is determined?
A. triple rater
B. inter rater
C. external rater
D. multiple rater

5. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under?
A. criterion-­reference test
B. intelligence test
C. aptitude test
D. norm­-reference test

6. Which practice helps the teacher maximize time for instruction?
A. employ a reactive approach to discipline
B. maximize discipline time
C. avoid classroom routine
D. minimize discipline time

7. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of actual developmeny to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed _____.
A. competency technique
B. scaffolding
C. active participation
D. collaboration

8. J. Bruner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas and build on them until the student grasped the full formal concept. Which curriculum is referred to?
A. special curriculum
B. re-structured curriculum
C. basic curriculum
D. hidden curriculum

9. The search for related literature by accessing several databases by the use of a telephone line to connect a computer library with other computers that have database is termed _____.
A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search

10. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as _____.
A. connectionism
B. stimulus-response associations
C. classical conditioning
D. operant conditioning

11. What can be said of Student J who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar test?
A. He perform better than 75% of his classmates.
B. He answered 75 items correctly.
C. He got a raw score of 75.
D. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.

12. The commonly used question­ and­ answer method that includes debate and discussion in consonance with the method of _____.
A. Confucius
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Socrates

13. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
A. Use of multimedia approaches
B. Importance of the reinforcement in the learning process
C. Cognitive insight
D. Concept of readiness in learning

14. Which one is an alternative learning system where an itinerant teacher, with the use of modules, teaches a small group of pupils for a week then moves to another community next week?
A. tent school
B. mobile teacher
C. para-teacher
D. multi-grade

15. The Educational Act of 1982 otherwise known as B.P. Blg. 232, in Sec. 29, encourages intended official approval for institution and programs which desire to meet standards of quality over and above the minimum requirements for State recognition.
A. Philippine education provides equal access to cultural opportunities.
B. Philippine education recognizes academic freedom.
C. Philippine education encourages voluntary accreditation.
D. Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations upon school administrators or managers.

16. The collegial process of developing ad evaluating performance assessments help teachers to understand the _____ needed to produce high quality performance.
A. tests
B. information
C. materials
D. scaffolding

17. Which DepEd test does out-of-school youths and adults take to enable them to enroll in college if they pass it?
A. Accreditation and Equivalency Test
B. National Achievement Test
C. National Secondary Achievement Test
D. National College Entrance Examination

18. Median is to point as standard deviation is to _____.
A. area
B. volume
C. distance
D. square

19. Factors affect learning that made through the use of audio­-visual aids, review, drills and other means is _____.
A. motivation
B. extinction
C. reinforcement
D. interest

20. Which instructional material is most fit in contextualized learning?
A. television
B. slides
C. field trip
D. pictures

21. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to students' _____.
 A. high degree of independence
B. high degree of dependence on authority
C. unpreparedness for schooling
D. ambivalence

22. Teacher P does not personally agree with one school policy. What is her professional responsibility?
A. Be indifferent about it but exert effort to understand it.
B. Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy even if she does not personally agree.
C. Remain connected with the school but defy the policy because in conscience, she cannot agree.
D. Lead a campaign against the abolition of the policy involved.

23. Which holds true of adolescence?
A. growth spurt and hormonal changes
B. lack of idealism
C. dependence
D. defiance of peer group norm

24. Teacher M has photography as a sideline. He offers his photography services with discount during school functions like intramurals. Is this ethical?
A. No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.
B. No, he should not deprive other photographers of their job.
C. Yes, his services are much cheaper that those of others and is, therefore of great help.
D. Yes, his photography service is so personalize that he is able to establish rapport with parents.

25. W. Glasser's control theory states that behavior is inspired by what satisfies a person's want at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?
A. make schoolwork relevant to students' basic human needs
B. avoid giving assignments
C. make teaching-learning interactive
D. organize a curriculum in a spiral manner

26. If the difficulty index of your test item is 0.98, what should you do with this item?
A. Revise it.
B. Reject it.
C. Retain it.
D. Reserve it for another group of pupils.

27. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in Math. Which is the LEAST important?
 A. It is the main goal for the study of Math
B. It provides the content in which concepts and skills are learned and applied
C. It provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking
D. It provides pupils an opportunity to relate Math in the real world

28. Student R gave a wrong answer. Teacher W said "Wrong! You are way off." As a consequence other students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is illustrated by the event?
A. ripple effect
B. halo effect
C. severity error
D. central tendency error

29. Which of the following authors would mostly help Teacher L to understand the underlying effects of poverty on academic achievement?
A. Maslow
B. Dewey
C. Piaget
D. Kohlberg

30. The class of IV - K is tasked to analyze the present population of the different cities and municipalities of the National Capital Region for the last five years. How can they best present their analysis?
A. By means of a table
B. By looking for a pattern
C. By means of a graph
D. By guessing and checking

31. Most classes are taught as a whole group. This structure of classroom grouping usually caters to _____.
A. average learners
B. both fast and average learners
C. fast learners
D. slow learners only

32. Studies in the areas of neurosciences disclosed that the human brain has limitless capacity. What does this imply?
A. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of learning.
B. Every pupil has his own native ability and his learning is limited to this native ability.
C. Every child is a potential genius.
D. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they have learned everything.

33. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is closer to her father. These instances are under _____.
 A. oedipal complex
B. phallic stage
C. latent stage
D. pre­-genital stage

34. Which is the basic principle underpinning the performance-based grading system?
A. It is a tool for improving teaching and learning.
B. It is a tool to determine prerequisite knowledge.
C. It is diagnostic, formative, and summative.
D. It is evaluative and judgemental.

35. Teacher B likes to concretize the abstract concept of an atom. He came up with a concrete representation of the atom by using wires and plastic balls. How would you classify Teacher B's visual aid?
A. model
B. realia
C. replica
D. chart

36. Which is best for the development of logical reasoning?
A. concept mapping
B. using pictograph
C. formulating and testing hypothesis
D. concept miming

37. How will you prevent truancy among students?
A. Check attendance regularly.
B. Allocate budget for each student.
C. Improve sanctions on absentees.
D. Prepare you lessons effectively at all times.

38. Upon prior consent of parents and school authorities, religion may be taught in Philippine schools _____.
A. within regular class hours
B. after class
C. during vacant period
D. after recess

39. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory explains this?
A. operant conditioning
B. social learning theory
C. associative learning
D. Pavlovian conditioning

40. Which one appropriately describes your lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
A. promotes "find out for yourself" approach
B. lecture-dominated
C. rote learning dominated
D. highly directed teaching

41. Which activity is best suited to summarize a lesson at the end?
A. Ask students to interpret a cartoon related to the lesson.
B. Present a medical summary.
C. Administer a short quiz.
D. Give as homework.

42. Which of the following should be considered in managing the pre-school program in public schools?
I. Cooperation of PTCA
II. Technical assistance by DSWD
III. Provision of teacher training
IV. Provision of facilities, materials, and equipment
A. I, II, and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. I, II, and IV

43. Key questions are considered in instructional planning and in identifying desired results and assessments. Which two questions are relevant?
I. What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skills?
II. What method of assessment should be used?
III. What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish the learning objective?
IV. What type of tests should be given?
A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

44. A perfect duty is exemplified by which of the following?
A. Supporting a poor but deserving student school.
B. Donating an amount for noble project.
C. Paying the worker the wages agreed upon.
D. Giving alms to the needy.

45. What measure of position is appropriate when the distribution is skewed?
A. Mean
B. Stanine
C. Z­value
D. Percentile rank

46. Which is least exploratory in nature?
A. inquiry approach
B. questioning method
C. deductive method
D. project method

47. Which does basic education encompass?
I. Early childhood education
II. Elementary education
III. Secondary education
IV. Alternative Learning System
V. Education for children with special needs
A. I, II, III, IV, and V
B. I, II, III, and IV
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and V

48. Corporal punishment is punishable by law. How can you instill discipline through non-violent means?
A. Refrain from admitting erring students.
B. Refer all disciplinary measures to the Students Affairs Office.
C. Establish your policies and give your expectations at the beginning of the class.
D. Ignore disciplinary problems.

49. Wiggins and McTighe (1998) maintain that in Understanding by Design (UBD), the theory of understanding and "backward" design process are compatible with problem-based learning. They support the idea that the developmental level of student will determine how much _____ conceptualization is appropriate.
A. concrete
B. in-depth
C. general
D. abstract

50. When teachers are convinced that it is best to teach students the skill to adapt to change since change is the only thing permanent in this world, they subscribe to the philosophy of _____.
A. realism
B. existentialism
C. pragmatism
D. idealism

51. Two students are given the WISE II. One has a full scale IQ of 91, while the other has an IQ of 109. Which conclusion can be drawn?
A. The second student has significantly higher intellectual ability
B. The first student is probably below average, while the second has above average potential
C. Both students are functioning in the average range of intellectual ability
D. Another IQ test should be given to truly assess their intellectual potential

52. Which of the following appraisal techniques would be most useful with a big number of desired respondents?
A. interview
B. observation
C. questionnaire
D. autobiography

53. The Department of Education directed that the lowest passing grade is _____% and the lowest failing grade is _____% in the report card.
A. 70 - 60
B. 75 - 70
C. 75 - 65
D. 70 - 50

54. Which of the following is the most important stage in testing process?
A. Constructing test items
B. Establishing test reliability
C. Improving test items
D. Interpreting test result

55. Laughing at a two-­year old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s life, the child is _____.
A. considering the views of other
B. socializing
C. distinguishing sex differences
D. distinguishing right from wrong

56. A high school graduate was refused admission to a university on the grounds that he failed the admission test. The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted and the act of the univeristy was a violation of his right to education. Was the student correct?
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom.
B. Yes, education is everyone's right.
C. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous Peoples' group.
D. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.

57. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop knowledge throught the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

58. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist
B. Essentialist
C. Progressivist
D. Existentialist

59. With the four pillars of education from UNESCO Commission on Education in mind, which of the following correspond to the affective domain?
I. Learning to live together
II. Learning to be
III. Learning to do
IV. Learning to know
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. I and II
D. I, II, III, and IV

60. The ascetic way of life is an influence of which thought?
A. Hindu
B. Shintoist
C. Islamic
D. Taoist

61. What do global learners enjoy most?
A. working on puzzles
B. generalize ideas from specific to general
C. likes to plan ahead
D. formulate generalization from details

62. Which of the following can be considered as a characteristic feature of the 2002 Basic Education curriculum?
I. Constructivist
II. Integrative
III. Essentialist
A. I, II, and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only

63. When small children call all animals "dogs", what process is illustrated based on Piaget's cognitive development theory?
A. conservation
B. assimilation
C. accommodation
D. reversion

64. Which is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which evaluation will be focused?
A. journal
B. portfolio
C. rubrics
D. stem

65. Which of the following attributes characterizes a learner who is yet to develop the concept?
A. The learner can identify the attributes of the concept.
B. The learner can summarize the ideas shared about the concept.
C. The learner can distinguish examples from non-examples.
D. The learner gets a failing grade in the tests given after the concept has been discussed

66. Which is true about the integrative approach to lesson planning?
A. teacher-centered and highly structured lessons
B. teacher-centered only
C. multidisciplinary
D. highly structured lessons only

67. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which material will teachers most likely to avoid?
A. controversial issues
B. unquestionable laws
C. open-ended topics
D. problems or cases

68. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to _____.
A. coefficient of correlation
B. central tendency
C. discrimination index
D. level of difficulty

69. Which apply/applies to extrinsically motivated learners?
I. Tend to process information superficially
II. Tend to be content with meeting minimum requirements
III. Achieve at high level
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I and III
D. I only

70. A test is considered reliable if _____.
A. it is easy to score
B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed
C. it is consistent and stable
D. it is easy to administer

71. The scope of the board examination for teachers in the secondary level shall consist of _____.
A. professional education and field of specialization
B. general education and field of specialization
C. general education and professional education
D. general education, professional education, and field of specialization

72. Examinees who have failed the licensure examination for professional teachers, with a rating of not lower than five percentage points from the passing general average rating, shall be eligible as _____ upon issuance by the Board of a two­-year special permit, renewable for a non­extendible period of two (2) years.
A. temporary teacher
 B. para­teacher
C. substitute teacher
D. permanent/regular teacher

73. Values education is offered as a separate subject in the NSEC while value development is _____.
 A. emphasized for creativity and productivity
B. integrated with Technology and Home Economics
C. emphasized in Science and Technology
D. integrated in all subject areas

74. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter " 'yong kagaya kahapon." With Piaget's theory in mind, what is the little girl's behavior called?
A. pre-operational egocentrism
B. conservation
C. reversibility
D. transductive reasoning

75. The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an insight stems from the ability to _____.
A. comprehend the subject that is being studied
B. analyze the parts of a whole
C. evaluate the worthiness of a thing
D. relate and organize things and ideas

76. Schools should go back to basics; they shoulc teach the 3 R's. This adheres to _____ philosophy of education.
A. an essentialist
B. a reconstructionist
C. a progressivist
D. a perennialist

77. A criterion-referenced test is designed to determine whether or not a student has _____.
A. performed well in a wide content coverage
B. performed higher than the other members of a group
C. reached a present target
D. reached a performance level on a specific skill

78. To show cause-and-effect relationships for picture-smart pupils, which works?
A. graphic organizer
B. manipulative
C. mnemonic device
D. metaphor

79. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question.
 $\begin{matrix}   Subject & Mean & SD & Student'sScore  \\   Math & 56 & 10 & 43  \\   Physics & 41 & 9 & 31  \\   English & 80 & 16 & 109  \\\end{matrix}$
In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform most poorly in relation to the group’s performance?
A. English
B. English and Math
C. Math
D. Physics

80. You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes, and behavior. Which of the following should you establish to ascertain the instrument's validity?
A. construct
B. content
C. criterion-related
D. face

81. Branches of Philosophy that deals with the problems of values that include ethical, aesthetic, religious and social values.
A. Logic
B. Axiology
C. Epistemology
D. Metaphysics

82. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which does she want her teachers to do?
A. make their students derive meaning from what is presented
B. give the meaning of what they present
C. let their students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson
D. require her students to come up with a construct of the lesson

83. To identify learning needs and respond to such needs, the teacher administers a ______ test.
A. formative
B. summative
C. periodic
D. diagnostic

84. How much of the scientific method has your pupils acquired? This is the best measured in their skill to _____.
I. Generate and test hypotheses
II. Critic and evaluate
III. See connectedness of events
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I only
D. I, II, and III

85. DECS Department Order No. 25, s. 1974 requires the use of Filipino as medium of instruction in _____.
A. social studies
B. character education
C. work education, physical and health education
D. all of the above

86. The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates free and compulsory education in the _____ level.
A. elementary
B. preschool
C. high school
D. post-secondary

87. Keeping track of assessment results from one periodic rating to the next is useful in contributing to the development of a _____.
A. regional plan
B. annual implementation plan
C. school improvement plan
D. division plan

88. Which should be emphasized for survival in a fast changing world?
I. Specialized learning
II. Learning skills an processes
III. Learning facts
A. II only
B. I and II
C. I, II, and III
D. II and III

89. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this instance, culture is transmitted by ______.
A. enculturation
B. acculturation
C. immersion
D. assimilation

90. Which emphasized on non-violence as the path to true peace as discussed in peace education?
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Shintoism
D. Taoism

91. Scaffolding is integral to the ____ theory of learning.
A. behaviorist
B. existentialist
C. essentialist
D. constructivist

92. To ensure the lesson will go smoothly, Teacher A listed down the steps she will undertake together with those of her students. This practice relates to?
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching method
C. Teaching strategy
D. Teaching technique

93. Recent researchers reveal limitations of behaviorists views but they continue to influence education. Which of these demonstrates the influence of behaviorist theories over effective learning? A. blended learning
B. problem solving
C. journal writing
D. programmed instruction

94. Stage in cognitive development was children begin to learn symbols system and concepts, acquire concepts and learn to add and subtract.
A. Formal Operation Stage
B. Pre­operation Stage
C. Concrete Operation Stage
D. Sensory Motor Stage

95. What type of validity is needed if a test must course objective and scopes?
A. Content
B. Concurrent
C. Criterion
D. Construct

96. Which is not true about the guidance process?
A. The guidance process means the guidance counselor decides what is best for the student who is in the dark.
B. The guidance process is a continuous process.
C. Guidance is meant for every student including the performing students.
D. Guidance is assisting students to become self-directed individuals.

97. What are the qualities of empowered teachers?
I. Learn and grow on the job.
II. Work individually to solve problems.
III. Believe that the learner is at the center of the school culture.
IV. Believe that improved instruction is everyone's responsibility.
A. I, II, and III
B. I and II
C. III and IV
D. I, III, and IV

98. In a Biology class, the students were asked to trace their own families' closest relatives starting from their great grandparents. They constructed a starting couple and added several branches to indicate the offsprings up to second or third generations. Which did they construct?
A. pictograph
B. family tree
C. fishbone diagram
D. affinity diagram

99. A pre­school child says: “That tree pushed the leaf off, and it fell down.” This shows that the pre­ school child believes that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action. This belief is called _____.
A. symbolism
B. animation
C. realism
D. animism

100. All of the following describe the development of children aged 11 to 13 except:
A. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
B. they shift from impulsivity to adoptive ability
C. they exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

101. Which of these are the two most important knowledge and skills that a teacher needs to be able to provide teaching-learning opportunities that develop problem solving and higher order thinking abilities?
I. designing, planning, implementing, documenting, and reviewing learning experiences.
II. impact of cultural, social, and political influences in education.
III. metacognitive processes
IV. methods of identifying students' learning needs
A. III and IV
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I and IV

*8-10 pts - Demonstrates imaginative thinking and unique qualities
*5-7 pts - Demonstrates moderate imaginative skills
*1-4 - Lacks imaginative thinking.
What is being assessed by the above criteria?
A. appeal
B. creativity
C. aesthetic ability
D. workmanship

103. Ian’s raw of score in the Filipino class is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this imply?
A. 70% of Ian’s classmates got a score lower than 23.
B. Ian’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates.
C. 70% of Ian’s classmate got a score of above 23.
D. Ian’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates.

104. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C, and D, no pupil chose D as answer. This implies that D is _____.
A. an ineffective distracter
B. a vague distracter
C. an effective distracter
D. a plausible distracter

105. Having a mock presidential election, complete with debates, discussion of issues, and voting, teaches students ______.
A. the decision-making process
B. the skill to win in debates
C. the art of winning in an election
D. the skill to persuade

106. Based on the contributions of the five senses to learning, which instructional material will be most effective?
A. multisensory aid
B. audio aid
C. visual aid
D. audio-visual aid

107. If your approach to your lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate your lesson?
I. Drill
II. Reasoning
III. Lecturing
IV. Cooperative Learning
A. I, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, and IV
C. II only
D. I only

108. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. Which material will teachers most likely use?
A. facts
B. laws
C. time-tested principles
D. hypotheses

109. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something with his ability.
B. Yes, he can change the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can influence him.

110. Which improvement should be done on this test item: An example of a mammal is _____.
A. The question should have only one acceptable answer.
B. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
C. The items should give more cues.
D. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers.

111. After a lesson on the atom, the students were asked to work on a physical model of the atom to determine learning. Which of the M.I. Is being enhanced?
A. linguistic
B. interpersonal
C. mathematical
D. kinesthetical

112. What should a teacher do for students in his class who are not on grade level?
A. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level.
B. Give them the same work as the other students, because they will absorb as much as they are capable of.
C. Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't feel embarrassed.
D. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmate’s level to challenge them.

113. The following promote lesson elaboration through student interaction except ______.
A. demonstration
B. peer tutoring
C. class discussion
D. cooperative learning

114. It refers to the quantitative changes in an individual as he progress in chronological age.
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Education
D. Maturation

115. Which is a graphic illustration of the relationship between two variables?
A. histogram
B. scatter diagram
C. frequency polygon
D. normal curve

116. His theory focused on the problem of what people do with information to achieve generalized in sights.
A. Kohler
B. Brunner
C. Kohlberg
D. Watson

117. To nurture creativity of learners, the teacher should be ____.
A. an all-powerful authority
B. a repository of knowledge with the "right answer"
C. single-minded
D. flexible in terms of time, pace materials, techniques

118. In the Education Act of 1982, which is not a teacher's right?
A. free expression of opinion and suggestions
B. joining labor organizations promoting teacher's welfare
C. free legal services for cases connected with professional duties
D. filing anonymous complaints against superiors

119. After scoring, Teacher G got the difference of the highest and lowest scores in each class. What did she compute?
A. standard deviation
B. mean
C. range
D. median

120. Teacher A wants to teach the class  the rules in playing basketball. Which method is most appropriate?
A. direct instruction
B. problem solving
C. discovery
D. inductive reasoning

121. In the context of Piaget's theory, answer this analogy - preoperational stage:transductive reasoning ; concrete operational stage: ______.
A. proportional reasoning
B. deductive reasoning
C. inductive reasoning
D. logical reasoning

122. The study type of reading exercises gives practice in _____.
A. picking out the main ideas
B. all sorts of study methods
C. reading skills needed in other subjects
D. recognizing the precise meaning of words

123. Which of the following is a result of compressing a file?
A. The file is deleted.
B. The file size is smaller.
C. The three character extension is hidden.
D. All file properties are lost.

124. What measure of central tendency does the number 16 represent in the following data: 14, 15, 17, 16, 19, 20, 16, 14, 16?
A. Mode
B. Median
C. Mode and median
D. Mean

125. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in Math by checking and reviewing on the previous day’s assignment practice and drills?
A. Prepare the students for the mastery test
B. Make learning interesting and enjoyable for students
C. Check if parents guide their children in the making of assignment
D. Make sure that the students understand the pre­-requisite skills of the lesson

126. Which competencies are expected of BEEd and BSEd graduates?
I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking.
II. Principled understanding of the learning process.
III. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional growth.
IV. Acting as an agent of change.
A. II and IV
B. I, II, and III
C. I, II, III, and IV
D. I and III

127. If you are a wise voter, you would vote _____.
A. a candidate who has the making of a public servant
B. a neighbor who is closest to you in times of need
C. a candidate who helped you by giving cash
D. a godfather who gave your father a job

128. What does Gagne's hierarchical theory propose for effective instruction?
A. Sequence instruction.
B. Reward good behavior.
C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom.
D. Teach beginning with the concrete.

129. Which type of parenting style is most benefical to the development of children, according to research?
A. authoritarian
B. permissive
C. authoritative
D. uninvloved

130. His aim of education is individual not a preparation for but participation in the life around the individual.
A. Froebel
B. Spencer
C. Herbart
D. Pestalozzi

131. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which is the range?
A. 93
B. 85
C. 97
D. between 51 and 34

132. Which is one role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years?
A. Develops competitive spirit.
B. Separates reality from fantasy.
C. Increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range.
D. Develops the upper and lower limbs.

133. For effective comparison, which one can you use?
A. spider map
B. fishbone diagram
C. webbing
D. metaphor

134. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question.
 $\begin{matrix}   Subject & Mean & SD & Student'sScore  \\   Math & 56 & 10 & 43  \\   Physics & 41 & 9 & 31  \\   English & 80 & 16 & 109  \\\end{matrix}$
In which subject(s) were the scores most homogenous?
A. Math
B. English
C. Physics
D. Physics and Math

135. When checking projects made by your pupils, what must be done to ensure objectivity in giving grades?
A. Prepare rubrics in giving grades.
B. Request somebody to grade the projects of your classes.
C. Rate the projects by batch checking.
D. Rate the projects in descriptive and not in quantitative manner.

136. A theory which describes how the intellect develops and comes to know and understand the world.
A. Psychological Theory
 B. Theory of Moral Development
C. Psychoanalysis Theory
D. Cognitive Theory

137. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the most effective distracter?
A. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees
 B. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
D. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees

138. Which is a graphic representation of numerical data?
A. histogram
B. attribute wheel
C. Venn diagram
D. spider map

139. Which of the following can contribute to the provisions of quality education?
I. Hire the best teacher applicants from the division pool.
II. Provide adequate textbooks and other instructional materials
III. Construct classroom and laboratory rooms.
IV. Maintain sanitary, safe, child-friendly and conductive environment to learning.
A. I, II, IV
C. I and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

140. What does a Table of Specification establish?
A. construct validity
B. content related validity and criterion reference
C. content validity and construct validity
D. content validity and content related validity

141. Which of the following is an appropriate routine to shut down a non-responding application?
A. Close all open documents and press the power button until the computer automatically switches off.
B. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, select the application in the Task Manager window and click End Task.
 C. Pull out the power cable from the back of the computer.
D. Click Shut Down on the Start menu and choose Shut Down from the Shut Down Windows drop-down list.

142. This law prescribed the inclusion in the curricula of all schools, both public and private, from elementary schools to the universities the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal especially to the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
A. Republic Act No. 1256 as amended by R.A. No. 8491
B. Republic Act No. 1124 as repealed by R.A. No. 7722
C. Republic Act No. 6728 as amended by R.A. 8545
D. Republic Act No. 1425

143. Which is one justification of the use of the lecture method?
A. when subject is very new and there are no references yet
B. when students are poorly motivated
C. when the teacher is substituting for the regular teacher
D. when the subject is very broad in scope

144. Teacher A is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercise’s in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
B. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner.
C. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk.
D. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.

145. Teacher W wants to review and check on the lesson of the previous day? Which one will be most reliable?
A. Having students identify difficult homework problems.
B. Having students correct each other's work.
C. Sampling the understanding of a few students.
D. Explicitly reviewing the task-relevant information necessary for the day's lesson.

146. All of the following serve as grounds for legal separation except _____.
A. repeated physical violence
B. attempt to corrupt
C. faithfulness and exclusiveness
D. respondent’s bigamy

147. At the end of periodical examination, Teacher R administered a summative test in Filipino. After scoring the test papers she assigned grades to each test score such as 95, 90, 85, 80 etc. What process did Teacher R use?
A. Ranking
B. Computation
C. Measurement
D. Evaluation

148. Referring to assessment, what are the essential features that should be explained to the learners?
I. Role of learners in the assessment
II. Why learners will be assessed
III. How their performance will be measured
IV. How the results will be used

149. Teacher B, an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lesson. Why?
A. to provide his pupils with a sense of wholeness and continuity
B. to determine who among his pupils are studying
C. to reflect on how he presented the previous lesson
D. to introduce a new lesson

150. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public schools to enroll in private school at the government’s expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study now Pay later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program

Answer Key:
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. A
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. C
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. A
36. C
37. D
38. A
39. A
40. A
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. A
45. D
46. C
47. A
48. C
49. B
50. A
51. A
52. C
53. C
54. D
55. A
56. A
57. D
58. B
59. C
60. A
61. D
62. A
63. B
64. C
65. A
66. C
67. B
68. B
69. A
70. C
71. D
72. B
73. D
74. A
75. D
76. A
77. D
78. A
79. A
80. D
81. B
82. A
83. D
84. D
85. D
86. A
87. C
88. A
89. C
90. A
91. D
92. B
93. D
94. C
95. A
96. A
97. D
98. B
99. D
100. A
101. C
102. B
103. A
104. A
105. A
106. A
107. D
108. D
109. A
110. A
111. D
112. A
113. D
114. B
115. B
116. B
117. D
118. D
119. C
120. A
121. B
122. C
123. B
124. C
125. D
126. B
127. A
128. A
129. C
130. A
131. C
132. C
133. D
134. D
135. A
136. D
137. D
138. A
139. D
140. C
141. B
142. D
143. A
144. B
145. C
146. C
147. A
148. D
149. A
150. A


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